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by DunksLovesSounds at 6:00 PM EDT on August 27, 2024
Ok. Big update on Everblue. I changed the video commentary explanation I was originally gonna make cause I had general trouble extracting from both Everblue 1 and 2.

Here's the Video to add on this explanation:

To explain right here, Everblue 1 and 2's files ARE using a generic format of SQ/HD/BD. However, it's the file itself, the .DAT file that hosts all of these duplicated banks and generic headers that won't work with VGMTrans.

As far as I know, VGMTrans is the best way to make soundfonts and MIDI files from PS1/PS2 games.

Normally, I'd be able to drag the file onto VGMTrans, it'd take a while to open it, but it'd open with all of the files unorganized, but generic, I'd be able to extract MIDI and SF2 from them. Done.

But since I guess because the file format is too weird for VGMTrans to understand, VGMTrans doesn't process it right and the whole thing just crashes. It happened on PS2.DAT, and it happened on Everblue 2's .DAT file simply named "DATA.DAT".

I'm gonna link a .ZIP file in the description of the video with what I used and explain it the best I can.

I can INDEED see samples. I simply opened PS2.DAT and DATA.DAT in PSound, searched it, and it didn't take any time at all to find the samples. It's just that the samples are too encrypted/different for any generic export to be made with my current VGMTrans.

So what I did was I used VGMToolbox and went "Misc. Tools/xSF Tools/PSF2/PSF2 Data Finder" and then I just dragged both .DAT files onto the section and waited. I eventually got all the files in SQ/HD/BD. This whole step separated them from the encrypted .DAT file. You'd think that now it'd be possible to make an extraction with a small set of files. But NO.

VGMToolbox actually gets rid of the HEX data on the samples (not sure if it applies for PS1 or anything else too) and no matter how hard you try, you can't make a soundfont extraction.

If the Script data is all you want, just drag an .SQ file onto VGMTrans, click "Export as MIDI" and find any location to save. It's done. But if you want the soundfonts and the sample data IN the soundfonts, you're out of luck.

The way I got soundfonts from this game is by taking a completely different file from MGS2 PC Port "pk000000", dragged it into VGMTrans (because it has readable hex data and not anything BLANK), dragged the .HD and .SQ file, clicked "Create collection manually", and then checked all of the Sample/Instrument/Script data, clicked "Export as MIDI and SF2", and I was done.

The result is a script file (which I could've easily just dragged and exported separately), but more importantly I got the SF2. The only problem? It doesn't have the actual samples OR transposing from Everblue. All I did was just use a separate bank because I couldn't get the other banks that had blank hex data to work. So THOSE files acted as a way of bypassing VGMTrans limitations since you can't convert HD Files without a properly working BD File (sample file).

So even if you use MGS2's samples, replace them after the export, you're going to have to manually change each value for the PSF or whatever you may wish to make for those extra tracks.

I have no knowledge of how to make PSF's or PSF2's. I've only just made SF2's and other things. And again, if all you want are the Script files, then just separate them using VGMTool box, PSF2 Data Finder, drag the .SQ files onto VGMTrans, click "Export as MIDI", done.

But if you want the actual music to work, it's gonna be hell because if you've followed along, you'll get the soundfont with the instrument and sequence data, but NOT the actual sample data.

Does my video and this lengthy wall make sense at all?
by punk7890-2 at 7:40 PM EDT on August 27, 2024
Sounds like you might be using the old pre-2019 set as that one lacks several music files. You might want to try .7z] this set.

edited 7:41 PM EDT August 27, 2024
by Locke_gb7 at 9:19 AM EDT on August 28, 2024
Yeah, all I wanted was the music, but I am in way over my head now. I got some of what you wrote, but even if it was a simple one I don't think I could handle it, I don't know how to use hex and extract data and most of the terminology :/ I wish I did, I only learned bits and pieces of years.

@bpunk7890-2 the link is for everblue 2, I was trying to get music from the first game, and manually recording proved impossible because of sound samples overlapping music.

the Everblue 1 PSF seems latest and is not functional.

And from the information above, I will not be able to use technical knowledge to extract the music from it either. :(
by punk7890-2 at 8:34 PM EDT on August 28, 2024
Here's the JP version of Everblue 1 extracted for anyone curious. The songs are in the bgm/se folders. Making a PSF2 set out of them, properly extracted, still yields the same results.

Until someone that comes along and knows more about the inner workings of PSF2, this set will have to remain the way it is in its semi playable state.
by Locke_gb7 at 4:59 AM EDT on August 29, 2024
Oh i see, um, its asking to pay to download?

I'd like to see if the music is the same.
by punk7890-2 at 5:48 AM EDT on August 29, 2024
It isn't. Click the button next to the "Sign In" button to download.
by Locke_gb7 at 11:17 AM EDT on September 9, 2024
I studied the files punk sent me and checked out your method, but yeah, from what i get, you would need to replace all the samples from the metal gear to the ones extracted from the Everblue files using psound?

yeah seems impossible for me right now i really tried messing around but yeh :(

by DunksLovesSounds at 1:03 PM EDT on September 9, 2024
@Locke_gb7 Unfortunately yes. It was the only method I could find since for some reason, Everblue 1 and 2 crashes when opening with VGMTrans.

And since VGMToolbox wipes the Hex Data from separating BD files from the .DAT file, I'm not sure how you could get accurate sample data for SF2 extraction.

Maybe someone else can guide us or a newer VGMTrans version can help, but right now that's the only way I can see working. And yeah, it's tedious.
by Locke_gb7 at 10:57 PM EDT on September 9, 2024
Do you have a set of .hd .bd sq you used frmo MTGS2?

I'd like to try some stuff.
by DunksLovesSounds at 5:10 PM EDT on September 12, 2024
I could only give you .BD because MGS1/2 have a unique music format called MDX/SDX that encrypts the generic instruments/sequences. Meaning, you wouldn't see them pop up on VGMTrans.

I could give you Silent Hill 2 tho. Those are generic and aren't unique/encrypted files.

edited 5:11 PM EDT September 12, 2024

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