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by WDLmaster at 6:43 AM EST on February 28, 2025
I write my own programs/tools if the problem is small enough to justify it or if the thing you want to do is so specific/niche that no other tools exist. Sometimes it's faster to simply write a new program than to search for and toying around with existing tools.

The actual algorithm for conversion was: create a 16-bit lookup table with 256 entries where the index into the table is the input signal. Each table entry represents a 1/256th piece of an exponential curve with a power of 8 which is scaled to the range of -32678 to 32767. You read a byte, use this as index into the lookup table und the value you find there is the output sample.

edited 6:46 AM EST February 28, 2025
[edit] (18 hours left)
by adams06 at 7:08 AM EST on February 28, 2025
To be honest, I don't how to do that :D
Sorry again. Can you please for another favor about 'same' problem..?
PC files for same game have a little different structure.
I wrote python script with chatgpt help to extract viv files and the convert to wav. But I am not satisfied with result, because of loudness, and noise.
As I understand, that are a vox adpcm files, and need to convert to wav. But.... Maybe that is the same think.
Can you take look on files?
PC Example
[edit] (19 hours left)

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