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by bcass at 8:41 PM EST on February 25, 2011
It's definitely audio. It came out of this xwb:
by bcass at 2:38 PM EST on February 27, 2011
OK, I sussed it out. It's headerless WMA (or xWMA). Managed to convert to WAV using xWMAEncode.

edited 2:41 PM EST February 27, 2011
by bxaimc at 2:53 PM EST on February 27, 2011
Ah! No wonder it looked a bit familiar. I didn't think xWMA would have been the answer so I disregarded checking.
by mudlord at 7:19 AM EST on February 6, 2012

ToWav unpacked, and all Delphi calls documented.
by SmartOne at 11:17 AM EST on February 6, 2012
That's pretty awesome, mudlord. Nice work!
by snakemeat at 9:30 PM EST on February 6, 2012
Thanks mudlord, now to download the IDA Pro demo
by marcusss at 7:45 AM EST on February 9, 2012
Good work !

edited 7:57 AM EST February 9, 2012
Bao file help! by Nicejob at 1:41 AM EST on November 30, 2012
Hi.How can i demux,convert or extract bao's file(pop2008 xbox and tfs 2010xbox ,beowulf pc and xbox)
to wav?
i try with xma header,xma parse 05,xma encode,xma header,PoP360XMA01,scanned with Deco Ubisoft Music0.80 without sucess:(
take a look please!
this is the sample file from pop xbox
extracted with maki.
by maxton at 6:24 PM EST on December 11, 2012
Have you tried xmash yet?

I haven't checked your file but you may have luck with xmash.
by Nicejob at 1:37 AM EST on December 26, 2012
yes i tried and no luck.
zench told me ubisoft sound forge file contain xma.
i am not able to extract xma from forge.Someone can help ?A tip would be so nice.
Will be more apreciated.

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