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by manakoAT at 1:01 PM EDT on May 15, 2008
here you have a little list what's ripped and will be implemented to vgmstream ...


BTW: vgmstream_r125 is up :o)
by MarkGrass at 3:06 PM EDT on May 15, 2008
Awesome, you found your way here, manako!

Your presence is always welcome, informative and helpful. Cheers, mate!
by marcusss at 8:07 PM EDT on May 15, 2008
Hey Manako, thanks for that link.

All those sets you posted on your site.. any place to get the ones that are not on the hcs bonus section like castlevania CoD , LoI svag music and other ones etc..
on a roll by hcs at 10:17 PM EDT on May 15, 2008
vgmstream r130 now up.
added .mic, _lr.dsp (Bomberman Jetters), .mss, .gcm
by stahn1456 at 12:36 AM EDT on May 16, 2008
Does anybody here have some of these music files that they would be willing to host for download to prevent a long download of a rom?

I am mainly interested in Tales of Symphonia and Abyss, Baten Kaitos Origins, Sonic Adventure DX, 2, and Heroes, Disgaea, La Pucelle, and Legaia 2.

Great work by the way guys and thanks!

edited 12:37 AM EDT May 16, 2008

edited 12:46 AM EDT May 16, 2008
by Mouser X at 5:47 AM EDT on May 16, 2008
Frist off, try checking the DSP Distribution thread. It's likely that you'll find some useful links in there. This forum also (thanks to joshw) has a search feature. Try searching for "bonus" or something... Yes I could give a direct link, but I'm avoiding doing so, in the hopes that HCS's bandwidth won't be raped. Both Tales games are available on this very site, as is most (all?) of the Sonic stuff. Baten Kaitos, Disgea, La Pcelle and Legaia 2 are probably not on this site (but could be, if certain someones upload them). Look around. You're not the first to ask for these sets. They've been linked to many times. Mouser X over and out.

edited 5:51 AM EDT May 16, 2008
by marioman at 8:31 AM EDT on May 16, 2008
@hcs: Can't seem to get the .gcms from Monkey Ball Adventure to work in the new version of in_vgmstream. FYI.
by hcs at 9:03 AM EDT on May 16, 2008
Well, that might be because I didn't add the extensions to in_vgmstream, oops.

Here's r131, which at least recognizes the extension. I don't seem to have the files from the game you mention on hand, so let me know if they don't work (I'd only tested it with Lego Star Wars .gcms).

edited 9:12 AM EDT May 16, 2008
by marioman at 6:07 PM EDT on May 16, 2008
Fixed. Thanks hcs.
by hcs at 7:27 PM EDT on May 16, 2008
r140 now up. Winamp plugin now has configuration and seeking, let me know of any issues.
I added the Super Paper Mario hack. Rename the files to .brstmspm and they will be played at the correct speed.
Also added mono Cstr.

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