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by mariofan12ify at 9:07 PM EDT on April 11, 2017
Oh, but are they playable with vgmstream?
by Vector Harbor at 9:50 PM EDT on April 11, 2017
There are few .wem files with loop data the rest are loopable but you have to do it yourself on the others hand for the .logg files it just a ogg vorbis in disguise BUT !!! They have loop data...most likely...seamless loop point but it a good thing.
by mariofan12ify at 10:57 PM EDT on April 11, 2017
I like how the .ogg files are the non-looped jingles and stuff.
by Vector Harbor at 11:23 PM EDT on April 11, 2017
There are loopable... but i do wonder if they do in-game...
by bnnm at 4:03 AM EDT on April 14, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar / test+winamp+xmp)
- Added Wwise Ogg/Vorbis (.wem, .logg) [many games]
- Added Wwise IMA (.wem, .lwav) [many games]
- (dev) XMA/WAVs ignore Wwise as it's parsed now in wwise.c
- (dev) tweaked xmplay info; fixed subtle reset segfault


Some WIMA sfx are ridiculous btw (3ch, 750hz...?).

Wwise Vorbis notes
- much of the Worbis code comes from ww2ogg so thanks to hcs for deciphering this crazy format
- autodetection is different than ww2ogg's, most variations should work but not all
- old (~2009) variation with full headers will be added later
- for extracted Wwise .bnk with no filenames, >2012 games should be named .wem and <2012 games .logg/lwav, to help Worbis autodetection a bit
In rare cases .lwavs<>.wem could be misdetected so you can try to change to the other ext
- in the unlikely event that codebooks change they may be added externally with a ".wvc" file in the song folder (same as ww2ogg's .bin but renamed)
- codebooks are already pre-packaged into vgmstream (to convert them study this)
by Knurek at 10:45 AM EDT on April 14, 2017
bnnm, do we need rerips for all of old WWise sets?
Ones that have been ww2ogged, I mean?
(I know it's better to have original files, but are we missing anything with the currently available ogg files?)
by Knurek at 10:47 AM EDT on April 14, 2017
Sorry, dp. :\

edited 10:48 AM EDT April 14, 2017
by bnnm at 12:01 PM EDT on April 14, 2017
ww2ogg results in the exact same sound and looping than vgmstream now does, so there is no real need.

If you mean the sets I posted, I just had them around, no need to reupload if they are repeats.
Incidentally, there are a few sets in joshw with unconverted ogg wems (ex. Metal Gear Rising, infamous 2).
by RetroFanatic at 10:51 PM EDT on April 14, 2017

Using Winamp 5.58 here. I haven't updated it any further since it works for everything I play with it.

And I select the option to replace the dlls when I update vgmstream.

I may have made a mistake when trying to install it the times before because I put the other dlls in the plugin directory aswell. Removed those from there now and placed the new ones in winamp's directory.
by kode54 at 12:38 AM EDT on April 15, 2017
Not upgrading software because what you already have just works? Where's the fun in that? I suppose you'll also tell me you don't reformat to a completely different operating system every other week just on a whim. I can even get away with that now, as it's just a backup of the main OS VM, and reinstall later.

Latest adventure involved setting up Ubuntu Linux on ESXi, and I had to hand configure an Xorg configuration file to tell it to use my PCIe passthrough video card instead of the VMware SVGA adapter. That was fun, until it turned out that Yooka-Laylee was too stuttery to be really playable.

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