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by bnnm at 5:15 PM EDT on May 3, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar / test+winamp+xmplay)
- Added MC3 decoder/meta [MX Rider, Spy Hunter, T3] (thanks to daemon1)
- Added AKB MSADPCM [Dragon Quest SFX (iOS)]
- Fixed some "short" MPDS
- Relaxed XWB size checks for padded files [BlazBlue Centralfiction PC]
- (dev) Adjusted EOF reads
- (dev) Block size now described for some codecs (MSADPCM, IMA)
- (dev) Makefile now finds all .o automatically
- (dev) vgmstream.c decoder cleanup, GENH validations, misc
- (dev) Updated Audacious plugin and added build instructions
- (dev) Plugin and other cleanup, renamed stuff for consistency

NOTE: foobar2000 isn't updated yet, probably sometime later when kode54 can.

Updated xwb_split too.

Also added a (the?) vgmstream bug list here, reports are welcome.
by AnonRunzes at 5:33 PM EDT on May 3, 2017
"EA XMA: unsupported "blocked" XMA variant (needs EA_XMA_STREAMFILE for FFmpeg) [Battlefield 1932, Dante's Inferno]"
The Xbox 360 version of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 uses this kind of codec.

Oh, and "Guerilla MSS XMA"? I don't remember Guerrila Games ever making games for the Xbox 360. There are also other wrong links on your bug list as well, such as the "raw S-E ATRAC3" part which below that part links to the "tri-ace ADPCM variant" thread.

edited 6:47 PM EDT May 3, 2017
by Sir-Sabin at 1:27 AM EDT on May 4, 2017
I have a bunch of games that i can't extract or play wrong

Mega Man 9 and 10: they are xwb files but only one channel plays

Fable Pub Games: i got it to extract, dunno if there are loop points, i just want to make sure it's done right

Battlefield 1943: just recheck if the ones on hcs64 right

BC: Armed and TMNT: Turtles in Time RS: Can't extract them maybe you guys can

Link to the games
by bxaimc at 1:57 PM EDT on May 4, 2017
Cuz MM9 and 10 are more dynamic than they are streamed. It's trying to mimic the NES that plays sound effects instead of a musical note through one of its channels due to limitations. In this case it just mutes one of the mono streams to play whatever sound effect.

On Wii, on the other hand, the whole thing is sequenced.

edited 2:00 PM EDT May 4, 2017
by Sir-Sabin at 4:49 PM EDT on May 4, 2017
xwb_split fails to split mm10 but mm9 works and can we add a special format for them? We did it for super paper mario
by bxaimc at 7:53 AM EDT on May 5, 2017
Paper mario was a speed hack and nothing more than just adding a new ext to recognize and play back with a lower sampling rate when it's parsed through. This on the other is a little more complicated as we'd probably need to have vgmstream read the file as some kind of forced pseudo-interleaving as long as no other data exists in the xwb and all the streams within are the same file length.
by Sir-Sabin at 6:08 AM EDT on May 6, 2017
So mm10 files is just mono? If so that is a big mono file for them, so what about the others is there a way to extract those?
by kode54 at 7:39 PM EDT on May 7, 2017
They are multiple mono streams, one for each NES channel, so they can selectively mute music playback as sound effects "occupy" channels.
by Sir-Sabin at 2:05 AM EDT on May 8, 2017
So it's using two mono files in each xwb file, if so then why isn't xwb_spilt not extracting them?

Also what about the other games, any luck with thm?
by AnonRunzes at 12:28 PM EDT on May 8, 2017
"Guerilla MSS IMA: not enough files to implement [Shellshock NAM 67 Xbox]"
These are literally all the files that were in the Xbox version of the game.

Renamed for your convenience.

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