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by mariofan12ify at 3:07 PM EDT on May 21, 2017
When does the update affect foobar?
by kode54 at 12:10 AM EDT on May 22, 2017
When I get around to building and releasing an update.
by marcusss at 9:01 AM EDT on May 22, 2017
@ ultrafighter.

A LONG time ago I ripped the PS2 version and have some music lying around

Sunrise Valley Downtown
Palm Bay Heights Intro
Palm Bay Replay
Crystal Summit Replay

Would be cool someday to get their native format playing !

edited 9:53 AM EDT May 22, 2017

edited 4:27 AM EDT May 23, 2017
Binary Domain ADX by marcusss at 11:47 AM EDT on May 22, 2017
The XBOX360 game Binary Domain contains unplayable ADX files.

VGMStream detects them as

CRI ADX header type 04

.some music can be heard.but music mostly consists of static.

A couple samples


edited 11:48 AM EDT May 22, 2017

edited 9:49 PM EDT May 22, 2017
by Ultrafighter at 3:27 AM EDT on May 23, 2017
@Marcusss: I'm not even sure those RWS bigfiles contain any sounds, there might be some level-specific SFX in them but that's about it.
You know the term "stream" in VG development does not always mean "an audio stream", it can be a streaming texture IE picture, a model loaded from a game archive to RAM and so on. That's why I suppose all that text data is mostly about map resources or better say some pre-build scripts which should have been deleted from final release.

And how did you get those unrecognized ADXs? Were they originally with *.adx extension and located in some folder or did you extract them out of an archive with VGMToolBox?
If the latter presumption of mine is right then I'd advise you to look for HCAs in the same audio bank / bigfile because PC ver. used CRI's Highly Compressed Audio codec and that's definitely a multi-platform solution. You can find a respective scanner in "Misc. tools -> Extraction tools -> Streams -> CRI HCA extractor". Resulting tracks (if you find any) should be playable in VGMStream from the very start, you don't have to do anything to them.

So long!
by marcusss at 4:23 AM EDT on May 23, 2017
Hi Ultrafighter

I was thinking it could possibly be adx or hca but i used vgmtoolbox to extract an archive as i saw reference to cri in the files and vgmtb extracted them as adx.. i guess they could be hca so i can give it another try. I didnt think to try again in case it wss hca. Lol i never came across hca yet

Btw Ultrafighter, I ripped amped 3 and uploaded it to the server. Close to 2gb. There were a couple hundred XWBs.

edited 10:17 AM EDT May 23, 2017
by Sir-Sabin at 6:21 AM EDT on May 23, 2017
I added some more games to link i posted earlier
by furrybob at 10:27 AM EDT on May 23, 2017
@Marcusss, Those are AIX files. All of the ones you posted each have 3 ADX streams in them. VGMToolbox must have been looking for ADX files in the archive, saw the ADX header in the AIX archive, and tried extracting the ADX from the doubly-nested archive.

Maybe there's an option to look for AIX files in VGMToolbox that you could try?

edited 10:30 AM EDT May 23, 2017
by AnonRunzes at 11:20 AM EDT on May 23, 2017
@furrybob - Perhaps aix2adx could be used.
by marcusss at 12:14 PM EDT on May 23, 2017
Yeah i have used aix2adx before as i remembee even okami used aix. I just figured it was plain adx. Anyways tomorrow i will extract all the adx from the aix files. Thanks

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