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by Koji at 8:23 PM EDT on September 28, 2005
A bug in the requests system. Go check it out to find it! A hint: It's in the games list. :P
by hcs at 9:01 PM EDT on September 28, 2005
uh, I think you should be able to eliminate your choice... replace it with something else
by Mouser X at 9:19 PM EDT on September 28, 2005
I think what he means is that, once a box is filled in, you can't make the entry blank. There has to be something there to fill the text field. I pointed this out when the requests were first put up, but I don't remember what you replied with. As for wether or not it was fixed, I don't remember if you commented on that either. Apparently, it wasn't fixed. I *think* you said that it wasn't a big deal because you would erase any entries that recieved a rip. As such, once the game was ripped, you remove the entry, and the users box is blanked. I think you said that if they want to change the entry, they can always put something else in its place.

Of course, I'm tired and need to go to bed, so perhaps I don't remember quite correctly. Anyway, I think that's what the problem is. If it was supposed to be fixed, sorry about my error. Mouser X over and out.
by Koji at 2:01 PM EDT on September 29, 2005
Yes, that's it.
by Poobah at 4:32 PM EDT on September 29, 2005
Why not just add an extra vote for one of the games wanted?
How by number6 at 9:17 PM EDT on September 29, 2005
If your last post was directed at me please tell me how can I eliminate my choice?
by Mouser X at 9:43 PM EDT on September 29, 2005
@ number6: I'm pretty sure you can't "blank" the box. Fill it with something else you want, or wait for HCS to remove your entries. At least, that's what it sounds like the problem is. Hopefully that helps. Mouser X out.
by hcs at 5:29 AM EDT on September 30, 2005
right, what's the point in leaving any boxes blank?
by strugglepoo at 4:50 PM EDT on October 2, 2005
If anyone is planning on doing Duke Nukem: Zero Hour I can help you tag if necessary. :-) There's also a sound test code you can input if that helps any. And there's only a few tracks. Like 8 or 10 or so. Maybe even less.

edited 8:55 PM EDT October 2, 2005
removing votes by dr worm at 12:34 PM EDT on October 3, 2005
I also think that you should be able to remove some of your choices. Thats why I voted for the "heres a bug" request. :)

And also, I don't think that any of the request choices should be removed when a prelim is completed, rather, only when it is tagged and given the official "complete" link. A few other people agree with me considering that games such as banjo-kazooie are given votes, despite the prelims already being complete (unless they don't know about the prelims being complete for some reason).

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