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by OrangeC at 6:48 PM EST on January 7, 2011
hehe streamed rips :)

can you post the necessary data on how to play the files ect please?
by bxaimc at 4:31 PM EST on January 8, 2011
On tracker:

-Dance Dance Revolution (2010)(Konami)[PS3][ATRAC3plus][AA3 - AT3]
-Prototype (2009)(Activision)[PS3][MPEG Audio Layer][P3D]
-Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks (2005)(Midway)[PS2][CRI ADX ADPCM][ADX]

On mediafire:

-Blast Factor (2006)(Sony Computer Entertainment)[PSN][ATRAC3plus - MPEG Audio Layer][AT3 - MP3].zip
-Sonic Unleashed (Demo) (2008)(Sega)[PSN][CRI ADX ADPCM][AAX].zip
-Tales of Vesperia (Demo) (2009)(Namco Bandai)[PSN][Polycom Siren14][BNSF].zip
-Valkyria Chronicles (Demo) (2008)(Sega)[PSN][ATRAC3plus - CRI ADX ADPCM][AA3 - ADX].zip
-KiraKira (2009)(Mtrix co.)[iOS][Apple Quicktime IMA ADPCM][CAF].zip

edited 10:56 PM EST January 8, 2011
by bxaimc at 8:43 PM EST on January 9, 2011
More sets:

-Fallout 3 (2008)(Bethesda Softworks)[PS3][ATRAC3plus - MPEG Audio Layer][AT3 - MP3] <- re-rip (includes radio music this time)
-Fallout - New Vegas (2010)(Bethesda Softworks)[PS3][ATRAC3plus - MPEG Audio Layer][AT3 - MP3]
-Fist of the North Star - Ken's Rage (2010)(Koei)[PS3][ATRAC3plus][AT3]
-Infamous (2009)(Sony Computer Entertainment)[PS3][ATRAC3plus - MPEG Audio Layer - Sony ADPCM][AT3 - MP3 - XVAG]

edited 10:51 PM EST January 9, 2011
by snakemeat at 9:28 PM EST on January 9, 2011
Thanks a lot bxaimc!

"Threeeeeeeeee Dooooooooog"
by OrangeC at 11:57 PM EST on January 12, 2011
your infamous xvag streams do not work, the multichannel ones, They have crackling.

edited 11:59 AM EST January 13, 2011

edited 11:59 AM EST January 13, 2011
by hcs at 3:28 AM EST on January 13, 2011
Fastlane Street Racing (2008)(Atod)[iOS][LSF][LSF ADPCM]
by bxaimc at 10:16 PM EST on January 13, 2011
Oh they're fine though. xvag on vgmtstream needs work.

edited 10:16 PM EST January 13, 2011
by OrangeC at 10:11 AM EST on January 14, 2011

ahh okay thanks for the reply :)
by bxaimc at 10:26 PM EST on January 17, 2011
On tracker:

-Tales of Vesperia (2009)(Namco Bandai)[PS3][Polycom Siren14][BNSF]
-Fallout - New Vegas (2010)(Bethesda Softworks)[XBOX360][Xbox Media Audio][XMA]

edited 11:02 PM EST January 17, 2011
by Mouser X at 2:54 AM EST on January 18, 2011
Awesome, thanks for the Tales of Vesparia set. Looking at the tracker though, I saw a NEC PC-8801 collection of stuff.... I downloaded it, since it was tiny. However, looking at it now, I have to wonder, what is it? I'm assuming it's NEC PC-8801 rips of some form, but a (very) quick Google search doesn't seem to be giving me anything useful. Would someone mind telling me what to do with these files, how to use them, and what they are? Thanks in advance. Mouser X over and out.

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