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by bnnm at 11:28 AM EDT on August 9, 2017
FSB4/5 CELT are like this: 0x17C30DF3 + fixed packet size(32b) + CELT data (superficially the same for both).
I don't think FMOD changes 'official' bitstreams, so with some luck should match some libcelt version.

Seems FSB CELT was implemented around nov 2009, so probably close to CELT 0.6/7.0, assuming they sticked with one.
Now the quickest way would be compiling libcelt's encoder EXE for a bunch of versions and generate some .celt, then compare to FSB's celt.
If some version somewhat matches it, compile libcelt .dll decoder, read the source code to understand the API (as there are no official docs), program vgmstream to feed FSB CELT packets to the DLL and hope.

As you can see that's a lot of research to do.
by AnonRunzes at 2:22 PM EDT on August 9, 2017
by RetroFanatic at 3:19 AM EDT on August 11, 2017
Probably the same old issue with AT3 & AT3+ but...vgmstream version r1050 won't play the files from the Dissidia Final Fantasy archive.

What do I do about that?

Edit: Suppose I'll just have to use HiMD Rendered and convert it to flac. Sucks that I can't loop the tracks in there, though.

edited 3:28 AM EDT August 11, 2017
by datschge at 7:06 PM EDT on August 11, 2017
Did you update vgmstream? Works perfectly fine for me using r1050-609-g1195045.
by marcusss at 8:59 AM EDT on August 13, 2017
Hi bnnm and everyone else,

Could you please take a look at this?

This FSB5 won't work in VGMStream. Plays with fmod player built into the Unity Studio program I use to rip music but vgmsteam says it is corrupt. It says it is PCM within the FSB so not sure what the issue is.

It is FSB5 btw with a similar header to the rest of the music. Most FSBs play fine..but 5-10 are like this and won't play. The header is similar to the playable FSB5 music but different enough not to work.

Example 'ERE

Recently some new games Im ripping that use Unity are using OGV audio for videos and some musics. So far nothing can play them
They are vorbis 2.0 but even ogv demux cannot extract the audio. I will upload later as example.

I only care as have an intro or outro as ogv so is only for completeness sake.


edited 9:47 AM EDT August 13, 2017

edited 10:01 AM EDT August 13, 2017

edited 10:23 AM EDT August 13, 2017

edited 7:09 PM EDT August 13, 2017
by bnnm at 3:15 PM EDT on August 13, 2017
That's the elusive FSB5 PCMFLOAT. Can you upload more and post the name of the game?
by marcusss at 6:34 PM EDT on August 13, 2017
Hi bnnm. THANKS for taking a look.

Now that you mention it a few games are using pcm float as their wav files which is fine but yeah this one uses it inside fsb which is what you are looking for.

It is from Anima_Gate_of_Memories.

I ripped all music from the game..except those remaining pcmfloat FSBs so would be great if they were eventually supported ;)

I noticed somethng odd when most music plays but a few fsb some even 100mb for 8 mins audio (according to the fmod player), wouldn't play...well that must be the answer !

Later I can upload more samples. Music is not bad from this game.


edited 1:27 AM EDT August 14, 2017
by marcusss at 8:07 AM EDT on August 14, 2017
Here are some PCMFLOAT FSB5s for you bnnm to test


Each song is large in size



edited 9:23 PM EDT August 14, 2017
by bnnm at 2:53 PM EDT on August 14, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- (dev) plugin cleanup in preparation of future changes
- Make substream selectable for some formats
- Read internal filename for some formats
- test.exe: Add stream selector flag "-s N"
- winamp: add unicode support (for names/dual files)
- Redo Angel STM: add PCM, adjust looping, unify code, add .lstm [Red Dead Revolver, Spy Hunter 2]


@marcuss - thanks, will fix.

@Ultrafighter - unplayable .stm files from Spy Hunter 2 should work now.

.STM is their actual ext, but it's common, so .PS2STM/STMA/AMTS were used instead as fake exts.
I've added .LSTM as I feel "L + common ext" is a simpler 'standard'.
by Ultrafighter at 3:56 PM EDT on August 14, 2017
@Bnnm - Thank you so much! BTW are you gonna add RDR set to VGM archives or were those files someone else's samples?
@Marcuss - I forgot to point it out: you can use either FSBext or WinHex to find out what actual track names are for your favorite *.fsb files from my PS2 rip of Rainbow six: Lockdown. I suppose I should have even renamed most of them or all BGM ones myself but somehow didn't do it.
So long!

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