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by bnnm at 6:53 AM EDT on August 20, 2017
I'll try, but the main problem is that XMPlay subsong stuff seems to be made for CUEs.

Apparently expects you to know all subsong times on file open, and that channels/sample rate stay constant, which doesn't make sense for vgmstream's subsongs (completely separate streams).

If you guys know of xmp plugins with subsongs like this it would help.
by marcusss at 10:03 AM EDT on August 20, 2017
Thanks for the pcmfloat update bnnm. Haven't come across any other games using it but hopefully they work fine now :)

All FS5 music work in Anima except for 1 so figured you might want to look at it. Only 2 MB file so not much but maybe another FSB5 variation?


edited 11:05 AM EDT August 20, 2017

edited 11:06 AM EDT August 20, 2017
by daddesio at 10:12 AM EDT on August 20, 2017
Hi, I'm responding to your earlier comment on August 5, 2017:

>EA's SCHl support is mostly complete except:
- missing MicroTalk (FIFA 2001/2002 PS2) --unknown algorithm (similar to Westwood VBR ADPCM?)
>If you know of unplayable EA SCHl (.MUS/ASF/EAM/SNG/AUD/etc, *not* .SNS/SPS/SNU as that's for another day) now is the time.

I reverse-engineered MicroTalk for The Sims Online back in 2012 (didn't know it was called EA MicroTalk at the time). It's a fairly simple linear-predictive speech codec. Yesterday, I cleaned up my documentation and code and wrote decoders for The Sims Online, Beasts & Bumpkins, and FIFA 2001/2002 PS2. All my code is public domain.


I'd be happy to write a decoder for vgmstream if you need any help, or I can help with bug-hunting if you run into any problems implementing it.

You can find me as daddesio on Freenode.

by bnnm at 10:41 AM EDT on August 20, 2017
Wow! Thanks a lot! Didn't think somebody would have already figured it out. The "MicroTalk" name sure didn't ring many bells. Interesting that sx.exe supports it for most platforms yet it's so rarely used.

I'll try to implement it based on your code (good to have something to do during boring times at work) though I don't actually know much about codec theory, I hope it isn't too complex.

Also note that there is a (probably unused) variety of MT10:1 that has PCM blocks (as generated by sx.exe v3.x, like MT5:1), and I suspect MT5:1 also had an early version without PCM blocks (if you try sx.exe -history you can see references to it being removed for a while).

Probably not needed anymore (didn't check your docs thoroughly yet) but I put my simple notes at the bottom of this file

@marcusss - that one is the even rarer FSB5 PCM8, them crazy indies. Very easy to add tho.

edited 11:08 AM EDT August 20, 2017

edited 4:39 PM EDT August 20, 2017
by daddesio at 1:45 PM EDT on August 20, 2017
Oh, you're right, whether or not the PCM data is present is simply a matter of the codec revision (specified in the PT header), not whether it's MT10:1 or 5:1. (This means MT10:1 and 5:1 are *the same codec*, the encoder simply encodes with different parameters.)

In fact, the function 00411013 in sx.exe v3.01.01 returns 1 if the codec supports raw PCM (using the 0xee command) and 0 otherwise. If the codecid is not 0xa (EA XA ADPCM), 0x4 (MicroTalk 10:1), or 0x16 (MicroTalk 5:1), it returns 0 immediately. Otherwise, it checks the PT platform code (the two bytes after "PT") and the value of the 0x80 (Codec Version) field. If either the codec version is > 2 (unsigned comparison) or the platform is NOT one of the following values (0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8), then it returns 1 (PCM data is supported), otherwise it returns 0 (PCM data is not supported).

Although it probably wouldn't hurt to solely look at the codec version.

edited 1:53 PM EDT August 20, 2017

edited 1:54 PM EDT August 20, 2017
by marcusss at 5:46 PM EDT on August 20, 2017
@bnnm. Yeah the game has pcm float, pcm8 pcm16 ,vorbis etc..crazy indies indeed !
So many types used in 1 game. Also some music is in both vorbis and pcmfloat..

Maybe 1 is ingame another is ending or soundtest or something.

Thanks as always


edited 5:47 PM EDT August 20, 2017
by AnonRunzes at 1:39 PM EDT on August 21, 2017
So, I had to update my RXWS script today. It can now handle "MARK" chunks(never seen on .XWS format). I'll be uploading a new rip that reflects this change.
by bnnm at 1:46 PM EDT on August 21, 2017
@daddesio - just in case you didn't know, there is a also sx.exe 2.x in the wild, generates MTs closer to FIFA2001 (without PCM blocks).

There is also a MT variation with a flag every new SCDl block, but I think that's a version/quirk of the blocks, not the codec.

A minor nitpick though, I think calling 'MT with PCM blocks' MT Revision 3 is a bit misleading.
The 0x80 field should refer to the file/library itself, not the codecs, as the field is included even without MT/EA-XA.
For example with sx2 and sx3 you can create streams of different revisions that are byte-exact (like PCM, and the PCM codec clearly doesn't change).

FFmpeg also calls EA-XA with ADPCM history "EA ADPCM R1", and without it "EA ADPCM R2", but from my tests the logic to determine if history is used is more complex than just the revision field.
by Ultrafighter at 3:48 PM EDT on August 24, 2017
Hi Bnnm, big thanks for implementing multi-stream RWS banks into VGMstream! I decided it's finally time to listen to rips from both Burnout 2 platforms and it all went rather smoothly on GC.
When it comes to XBox version though there're currently some minor flaws in playback. Those bugs I'm talking about are mostly clicks in the end of most tracks but for some reason trk05stpl.rws & a few others doesn't produce such errors. I've only listened to a dozen or two files (out of 96 *.rws) yet so I don't have much to report.
Anyway can you check out these samples and either confirm or disprove my notion about those faults? Maybe I'm the only one getting them...

BTW may I ask you to look into example files coming from that old Kakuto chojin: Back alley brutal set and tell us all if STX tracks from the game can be added to our favorite VGM plugin? It'd be totally awesome if we were able to play these files directly without the need to use EkszBox-ABX to get usable ADPCM tracks!

Best regards!
by marcusss at 8:17 PM EDT on August 24, 2017
Hi Ultrafighter.

I get those issues as well in Burnout 2 XBOX but didn't think too much of it since it is early suport for them but yes woul be great to have them play perfectly or pop/cut out

btw I grabbed a few of the games you requested of me so will try to rip some. Sorry been busy with PC rips lately..

edited 8:18 PM EDT August 24, 2017

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