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by bnnm at 11:58 AM EST on November 18, 2017
@Ultrafighter - Afraid so, silly Ubisoft. Who devises those bizarro formats? .SB0 and .AWC get this year's "worst header" award, and .SM0 is even worse. Oh well, at least you can play them layers seamlessly.
In the future I think some formats could use some kind of internal playlist (like ACM) so they could play as a single stream.

All unplayable Vita FSB5 are ATRAC9, hopefully will be added in the coming months.
by Ultrafighter at 2:55 AM EST on November 19, 2017
Well thanks for informing me, I guess I'll simply listen to OSTs for Trilogy and add gamerips for the end of my pending list. BTW 1st Alpha's explanation in this case would be total lack of RAM on older consoles, that's why it mattered so much whether a 3-4 MB track in currently in memory or its snippet that's 15-20 times smaller (he gave such reasons when asked about some EA VG though).
Till next time!

edited 2:58 AM EST November 19, 2017
by bnnm at 7:32 AM EST on November 19, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Improve CD-XA detection and RIFF-less support
- Clean .dvi/.kcey and add proper .PCM extension, fix channel swap
- Clean .idvi and add proper .DVI extension
- Clean/separate PS2 .PCM and fix looping in some cases
- Clean EA 1SNh/EACS (ea_old) and fix some bugs/looping
- Clean DVI/IMA decoders, indirectly add DVI/IMA stereo to GENH/TXTH
- Fix old IMA regression (HWAS/SWAV/IVAUD/SAD/AUD/FFTA2/etc) and add 3DS IMA for bcstm
- Add some HCS keys

NOTE: post if you have some .BCWAV + IMA ADPCM that sounds a bit funny, as I couldn't find any to test.


@Ultrafighter - you asked about MX vs ATV Unleashed PC before, should be playable now with the TXTH I posted (here again)

SB0/AWC are weird, waste much RAM and are not well optimized for consoles, with little care in sound quality and I/O. I guess some non-audio programmer stitched together some framework and called it a day.
by bnnm at 7:13 AM EST on November 26, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Add Namco AAC (.naac) [Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy (3DS)]
- Add/fix Falcom RIFF (.dec/de2) + looping [Xanadu Next, Gurumin (PC)]
- Fix Homura (PS2) stereo and add .v0 + dual extension
- Fix EA SNU looping not properly saving block state
- (dev) cleanup (text line reader, try_dual_file_stereo, naming, etc).
- Add EZW for EZ2DJ (Arcade) (by bxaimc)
by Sanadsk at 1:48 PM EST on November 28, 2017
Anyone has any luck with extracting .at9 files from .FSB files with their proper headers?
Here is a sample file if anyone is interested:

FSB File Sample
by AnonRunzes at 11:43 AM EST on December 2, 2017
So, I saw some (headerless) audio file that uses a similar ADPCM codec seen in Final Fantasy XI's .bgw format. Said file looks like this:

What I'm saying is, is there any way to add the "configurable" PlayStation ADPCM codec(as seen in SGXD, BGW, etc. files) into GENH/TXTH?

edited 11:44 AM EST December 2, 2017
by bnnm at 6:46 PM EST on December 3, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Musepack .MPC support [Mobile games]
- Add Gameloft .VXN (MS-IMA/MSADPCM/MPC) [Mobile games]
- Add EA .SNS+SNR / .SPS [Burnout Crash, NFS Hot Pursuit PS3]
* supported: PCM, EA-XMA, EA-XAS, EALayer3 (all variations)
- Fix EALayer3 SNS, multistream and bit reservoir
- Add Neversoft custom .OGG [Gun (GC)]
- Clean EA-XA and fix some subsongs
- Add Ultima IX .FLX (EA-XA/EA-MT/PCM)
- Add EA MicroTalk decoder [FIFA 2001 PS2, Ultima IX voices]
- Fix some .SB0 [TMNT GC/PS2]
- Fix 3DO STR SNDS and Audacious crashing on missing files (by kode54)
- (dev) Update libmpg123

NOTE: DLLs changed, copy again for test.exe/winamp/xmplay


EA .SNS notes:
- .SNS needs .SNR (header, usually found in other files or compressed) but as they aren't the easiest to find and are simple I made this bms generator (needs manual adjustments).
- EALayer3 discard modes are not correct (not very noticeable)
- missing codecs:
* EASpeex (libspeex variant, for voices): common but probably not worth adding, there is a converter out there using EA's DLLs
* EAOpus (Opus variant, for voices?): rare, could be added once I get enough samples
* EATrax (ATRAC9 variant): maybe...
* other ids: not seen

@AnonRunzes - none ATM, guess I'll add the option later.
by AnonRunzes at 8:07 PM EST on December 3, 2017
@bnnm - "none ATM, guess I'll add the option later."
Okay then. Thanks for the answer.

Oh yeah, and I tried your script with these files(or at least one of them):
Beach_Music.7z(.sns files posed as .res)

But the generated .snr header that came out of these generated ".res" files(which are actually .sns files as far as I care) somehow came out as garbled for whatever reason.

edited 8:41 PM EST December 3, 2017
by kode54 at 8:31 PM EST on December 3, 2017
Why do we need Musepack, unless it supports looping through tags? I know it will probably confuse people who use foobar2000, who will randomly notice that their MPC tags are not loading any longer, depending on when they start the player. I'm surprised the same thing doesn't happen to .ogg .mp3 .mp4, if we take any of those.
by marcusss at 11:23 PM EST on December 3, 2017
Thanks for VXN support bnnm as so many good mobile games use that so really appreciate it.

Will check out my collection of vxn and have a listen ;)

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