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by SSGotenksUFO at 10:24 PM EDT on July 23, 2008
I do believe I still have in_cube, and that may be the problem. I won't be able to check until tomorrow though.
by Mouser X at 11:26 PM EDT on July 23, 2008
In_cube itself isn't necessarily the problem. However, if you plan on having in_cube installed, with VGMstream at the same time, you need to rename in_cube to in_zube (or something). Winamp loads plugins alphabetically. In_cube is loaded before VGMstream, and as such, in_cube will be the default plugin for whatever format it and VMGstream support. If you rename in_cube to something starting with a "Z" though, it will be loaded after VGMstream, and thus VGMstream will take priority. Try that (renaming in_cube), and see if it helps. Of course, I also suggest removing in_cube completely, but that's just for testing purposes, to guarantee that VGMstream is installed and working, or not.

Currently, VGMstream supports most, but not all, formats that in_cube does. Thus, it doesn't (usually) hurt to keep in_cube around (renamed of course) for those various formats that haven't yet been moved over.

Hope that helps. Mouser X over and out.
by MarkGrass at 10:23 AM EDT on July 24, 2008
I can get WinAmp to recognize the vgmstream plugin now, however, it does absolutely nothing with the supported files - I place them in the playlist, and it gives them a time of 0:00, and no vgmstream "file info" window when checked?

And yes, the original vorbis plugin was removed.

PS - Thanks to whoever added support for AUS and my modified RE: Dead Aim format! :D

edited 10:35 AM EDT July 24, 2008
by hcs at 5:13 PM EDT on July 24, 2008
If there is no file info window then they are not actually opening with vgmstream. You may just be getting the default useless recognition from the MP3 decoder (but then I'd expect its info window...). Note that the Winamp plugin does not report that it supports .ogg files, it uses the .logg extension precisely so that you don't need to remove the existing vorbis plugin. So if the only files you're having a problem with are .ogg a simple rename will help.
TO DO by hcs at 9:57 PM EDT on July 24, 2008
Here's my list of things I'd like to get into vgmstream, or at least try to, before 1.0.
- AIX 5.1 Surround (for DBZ Burst Limit and a few others)
- Super Monkey Ball iPhone
- Anything still missing from in_cube (THP and WAM/WAC/WAD/WAA come to mind)
- .fda AIFC files ("Relic", don't remember where this came from)
- EA Layer 3 (MP3 based?)
- Gurumin .de2
- NDS .sad (IMA?)
- Ultima 9 FLX (a degenerate IMA)
- degenerate Ultramarine modules, which just have one sample that loops
- F-Zero X streams, maybe other N64 stuff like Magical Tetris Challenge
- integrated ADX decryption (built in keys? external?)
- try to figure out Metroid Prime .rsd looping
- try to figure out looping for .sfl apparently missing this info

- installer
- format selection
- final logo

If anyone has any suggestions, or the other authors have anything specific in mind, let's list 'em. Better than holding all this in my head and hoping I don't forget something, and it gives a way to measure how close we get to 1.0 release.
by MarkGrass at 1:25 AM EDT on July 25, 2008
[QUOTE]So if the only files you're having a problem with are .ogg a simple rename will help.[/QUOTE]

I'm having problems with all files supported by vgmstream.

ADX, DSP, AUS, you name it, Winamp just simply will not recognize them. It always gives them a length of 0:00, and that's it. No playback whatsoever...

It's weird - WinAmp recognizes the vgmstream plugin, but simply doesn't utilize it?

WTF am I doing wrong!? :(
by hcs at 2:24 AM EDT on July 25, 2008
That is intensely bizarre. What version of winamp and windows are you running? Have you tried removing all other plugins in case one is causing a conflict?
Oh, and there is no [QUOTE] tag.

edited 2:25 AM EDT July 25, 2008
by MarkGrass at 9:56 AM EDT on July 25, 2008
EDIT: I installed WinAmp Pro 5.54, and now everything is all good.

I guess that did the trick? o_O

PS - FILp (GEMp) support is broken. Here is a link to 3 FILp-type audio files, should I not get around to fixing the issue myself (probably not, because I never got around to adding support for them to vgmstream to begin with >.<)

edited 10:40 AM EDT July 25, 2008
by Tanookirby at 11:12 AM EDT on July 25, 2008
Be sure to look at the readme file. There are three programs you need in the Winamp folder. I remember when the music files would not play when I installed a new version of vgmstream. The readme said it needed two .dll programs. Maybe you're missing the third one.
by manakoAT at 1:54 PM EDT on July 25, 2008
the tricky part on the RE-DA files is to set a loop, but i think the files are looped end-to-end

btw, filp isn't really supported, i implemented it with your files until i saw that the original files using a blocked format, this will be the final format, if i can fix it...

rename the files you linked to .filp <-- should work :o)

cU mana

edited 2:00 PM EDT July 25, 2008

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