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by Elven Spellmaker at 11:33 PM EDT on March 26, 2011
Does anyone know how hard it would be to take a set of FLAC/MP3 files and try to find their loop points and then make something like LOGGs out of them?

I have an OST rip which is better than the in-game rip due to it being 44.1kHz instead of 32kHz, but would like the tracks to be able to loop infinitely.

Something tells me its hard. >.<
by Knurek at 7:24 AM EDT on March 27, 2011
Seems my ISP went under - so I've been internetless for the past week and currently I'm hit by the most severe onset of withdrawal syndroms. :)
by SmartOne at 6:32 PM EDT on March 28, 2011
The Sly Collection has scratchy 5-channel stereo audio during the FMVs. The developers of the port couldn't be bothered with proper sample rate conversion. Let alone attaining the studio masters and working from there. And the audio levels vary greatly from in-game to FMV.

For your information, since reviewers don't care about details.

by JudgeIto at 10:29 PM EDT on March 29, 2011
So there I was, digging through the data of the PS2 version of Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 looking for music to fulfill a request on another forum. I found it easily enough and, thankfully, didn't have to jump through many hoops to get it working. They were just renamed SND files, though not of the type that Windows Media Player or anything else but vgmstream could recognize. test.exe decoded them fine (though it didn't catch the endpoints) and identified the headers as those found in a Might & Magic game.

Interesting part starts here: As I double checked the converted files, there was one song that stuck out at me. It was a much longer song, 5:16 in length, and with much better production values than the rest of the soundtrack. It even had vocals; a trio or a quartet singing some nice soulsy, easy-listening lyrics. It's bugging me bad, so I take a 30-second clip and upload it to for identification.

The result? "Soul Food to Go (Sina)", a 1987 song by the pop/jazz-fusion group The Manhattan Transfer. I can't find any evidence that this song plays in-game or that it's even supposed to be on the game disc. A google search for "sarge's heroes manhattan transfer" turns up nothing, and some quick shuffling through Youtube videos for the game also turn up nothing. Easter egg? Non-utilized content? Some dweeb left his album rip on the game's gold disc?

I'm WTFing so bad. The walls are crashing down around me and the Earth threatens to melt away beneath my feet. I'm also sleep deprived, so it feels like a bigger deal than it really is. Still, I'm happy to discover something so wonderfully strange. (and to be introduced to The Manhattan Transfer)

edited 10:30 PM EDT March 29, 2011

edited 10:36 PM EDT March 29, 2011
by nensondubois at 11:01 PM EDT on March 29, 2011
Also on another hilariously strange note, Frogger for the SNES has stolen sound code from Ren & Stimpy Buckaroo$, another SNES game.

edit: I tried and I couldn't identify 4 songs out 6 that I tried. Hmmmm...

edited 11:10 PM EDT March 29, 2011
by Lunar at 9:21 AM EDT on March 30, 2011
JudgeIto it might have just been in there as a test track and they forgot to remove it, i've seen things like that before (like virt's doctor who arrangement that he left in Batman accidentally!) another possibility is that it was intended for something in-game. quite what though i dunno... maybe to be used as diegetic music in a certain area -- but they were unable to reach a licencing agreement, so it was cut. i'm unfamiliar with the game so wouldn't have any clues to how it could be used.

great tune though, indeed.
by hcs at 11:12 AM EDT on April 4, 2011
Someone posted a video of a long talk and playthrough of Braid that Jonathan Blow did, which he recently linked to. A lot of it he's said before in other talks, but he goes into more detail.

Also I finally made it to the last(?!) level of SpaceChem. Check out the demo, if you like it the full game is definitely worth it.

edited 11:20 AM EDT April 4, 2011
by Knurek at 6:01 AM EDT on April 10, 2011
I've finally cleared my first 30 in Pop'n Music.
Jeez, what a ride it was.

Now on to more practice so that I can clear them consistently. Shouldn't take more than a decade. :)
by Lunar at 3:36 PM EDT on April 10, 2011
interviewed Soyo Oka

lol!!!! ;J
by anewuser at 4:04 PM EDT on April 10, 2011
awesome reading, man. Great interview. How did you arrange a meeting with her? I'm jealous >_>

me? Reading Edward Bono's book regarding creativity, which I'll use not my classes perse, but to help develop my right hemisphere and stop being too critical and logical to become more "animal" or instintive. To have my gut feeling let me do stuff as most people do.

Phew, hard, but elimination critical judgement for a second helps GREATLY to increase the flow of ideas in any creative process. Do try it if you feel like expanding your universe, be it musically, on programming, or writing. I do this in an attempt to make equals (or more similar) my two hemispheres. Rough moments, but facing it well, I guess. I want to improve myself.

PS: edward bono's lateral thinking.

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