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by marcusss at 12:20 AM EST on December 10, 2017
Thanks bnnm.

I will try to re-re rip the games that used vxn ages ago. I remember also when vxn was not supported i extracted the mpc from a couple games using the archive, but since vxn is supported now it would be best to rerip the game, keeping the vxn files intact.

edited 12:22 AM EST December 10, 2017
by bxaimc at 8:10 PM EST on December 11, 2017
@bnnm: I'm having some trouble with the EA stuff from this sound bank. Mind taking a look? vgmstream refuses to acknowledge their existence, which may go beyond just modifying line 52 in ea_eaac.c

Also, any ideas on how we can make this acb bank play as a single file?


Capcom sure did something funky here. It's set up as 6 mono hca streams playing at the same time to make that "surround sound" effect.

edited 10:08 PM EST December 11, 2017
by bnnm at 2:02 PM EST on December 12, 2017
@bxaimc - .SBS would need a .SBR with the offsets, usually found in a mirror dir. Without it you can manually search for 480000xx (.SPS start) and extract.
However that particular file only uses unsupported codec 9=EASpeex (voice), this[/] should decode.
I considered adding .SBS but there are several versions ([url=]this extractor
works for some, but mutates the .SNS+SNR or .SPS to .SNU)) and seems mainly used for speech.

For the ACD actually I was thinking of extending and unifying SCD_INT/AIX/AAX layouts, as they basically do that (multistream play) and could be used for other formats (.AIX+HCA, Wayforward .VOL, maybe multistream FFmpeg).
It'll take a while to understand and stuff tho.
by bxaimc at 2:46 PM EST on December 12, 2017
Oh, speaking of scd, some of the files from Lightning Returns: FFXIII and FFXIII-2 (the 4 channel ones, both on PS3) don’t play in vgmstream. It’s MP3 but I assume the streams are interleaved together as in the x360 versions, but of course that’s probably a big no no and gets rejected by ffmpeg.

edited 2:47 PM EST December 12, 2017
by bnnm at 5:23 PM EST on December 12, 2017
I have a multistream/interleaved MPEG decoder so I'll try to fix those (though I wonder if I should change it to that future multistream layout, but I find layouts hard to follow).
by kode54 at 7:36 PM EST on December 13, 2017
I disabled .opus in formats.c, because foobar2000 has a native .opus handler bundled, and the VGMStream handler doesn't support ReplayGain tags, only the header volume scale tag, which it seems to apply for a target gain of -23 LUFS, not the ReplayGain alike target gain of -18 LUFS. Probably an issue with how FFmpeg handles that gain field.
by bxaimc at 9:04 PM EST on December 13, 2017
.ops or .lopus? Maybe?
by bnnm at 2:32 PM EST on December 14, 2017
I think I'll add .lopus for the Switch games, but ideally there should be some way to lower vgmstream's plugin priority so the player's native filetypes go first (interesting foobar lets plugins hijack common types).
by kode54 at 11:12 PM EST on December 14, 2017
foobar2000 1.x - <1.4 would load all conflicting inputs, and then randomize their order on player startup, so you'd get unpredictable results depending on when you loaded the player.

1.4, which is in alpha, allows for configuring priority per format, but requires a new service type to register for this support. I have no idea how that works yet, since I'm sort of out of the loop.
by bnnm at 5:47 PM EST on December 17, 2017
latest vgmstream changes (foobar (may take a few days to update) / test+winamp+xmplay / bug list)
- Add Harmonix Music Systems MOGG Vorbis (by bxaimc)
- Add type 3 GCM/IDSP variant for Lego LOTR (Wii) (by bxaimc)
- Fix multistream MPEG SCD [Final Fantaxy XIII-2 (PS3)]
- Fix last interleave in MPEG P3D/SCD
- Add/change .opus to .lopus
- Add ADX/HCA keys

NOTE: you'll need to rename from .opus to .lopus

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