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So now what? by threeblacknoises at 8:50 PM EST on January 7, 2018
So once you work your magic, what files need to go where, just so I don't get any more surprises?
by kode54 at 9:30 PM EST on January 7, 2018
It's already up in the usual place. You just need the included .dll files in your Winamp main directory. The .asc files are only provided for verification purposes, if anyone even cares about that.
by bxaimc at 1:09 AM EST on January 10, 2018
@bnnm, would you mind taking a look at these XVAGs, please? They're being super naughty and don't want to play. Me thinks the spec for the PS ADPCM was updated for PS4 games. Also, I think we're also dealing with more interleaved MPEG streams as well.


gratzie =3
by bnnm at 4:21 PM EST on January 10, 2018
Using theoretical features (PS custom interleave/subsongs, MPEG 1ch multistreams) no other XVAG dared to use before? How shifty, easy to fix. Naughty SCDs I'll fix soon too (dummy entries? come on SQEX).

Btw, wouldn't somebody happen to know what's an "Ultramarine3" Ogg? (old code)
by bxaimc at 12:06 AM EST on January 11, 2018
Also, I came across some files that are also acting up (you hear something for less than a second and then it's just silence the rest of the way). It's MPEG but standard MP3 decoders either flip out or want nothing to do with it.


Spoiler alert: It's FSB4 (the hell?)
by bnnm at 2:04 PM EST on January 11, 2018
Looks like it has a blocked layout on top of the FSB, there is a block header every 0x290-300.

Ex. 37-arthurs_grave_5_missing_st_0001 headers says size is 0x1ddd00 but final size is 0x3fdcf8. Could be an extractor error? Or maybe they made their own custom FSB, but that'd be weird.
by bxaimc at 4:29 PM EST on January 11, 2018
as far as sizing goes, it might just be an extraction error. I just did a quick and dirty raw cut from one FSB4 to another to see what was within. The tool for the bigfile.000.tiger archive didn't seem to work and I wasn't sure if Ekey on xentax was up for the task of updating a tool that was made nearly 4 years ago.

In any case, here's the bigfile.000.tiger if you want to take a gander.

edited 4:34 PM EST January 11, 2018
by AnonRunzes at 6:08 PM EST on January 11, 2018
Well, I think I know how to deal with this kind of archive... I wrote this quickBMS script for about 20 seconds. name)

Simply copy the whole text, open your text editor, paste what you've copied in there, and save it as that exact filename. If you know how to use quickBMS at all you're set 4 life.
by bxaimc at 11:20 PM EST on January 11, 2018
Oh? You know the art of BMS scripting? Handy. I’ll try it out then, thanks!
by Ultrafighter at 7:35 AM EST on January 12, 2018
@Bnnm: maybe "Ultramarine3 Ogg" stands for AudioKinetic Wwise Vorbis from Warhammer 40,000: Space marine? Like someone attempted to implement WEMs or PCKs or other Wwise containers so that processing streams with WW2OGG became unneeded & obsolete but that goal wasn't achieved and only leftover code remained... Is it more or less probable?

@AnonRunzes: big thanks for your input!
@Bxaimc: looking forward to this soundtrack and hoping it turns out to be rippable!

So long!

edited 7:36 AM EST January 12, 2018

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