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by MarkGrass at 2:37 PM EDT on July 25, 2008
@Tanookirby - Reading the "readme" and installing the necessary files needed was the very first thing I did before I even tried vgmstream. Thanks for trying to help, though. :)

@manako - Yeah, FILp (when not converted using my tool) is definitely tricky to handle. I tried for a good while to implement it into in_cube, to no avail (which led to the creation of my app to "fix" them, in the first place).

I tip my hat to you, should you find a way to deal with the original blocked format, and wish you good luck in doing so.

Oh, and one more thing - the REAL file extension for these is indeed ".FIL" (according to RE: DA's archives and EXE, but i'll add the extra "p" to make them work for now). ;P

If it's not a hassle, please change support to the true file extension (.FIL).

Thanks again. :)

edited 2:48 PM EDT July 25, 2008
by hcs at 4:09 PM EDT on July 25, 2008
Your "fixing" could probably be implemented in vgmstream as a blocked layout handler. Maybe have a look at how those work.

I just realized that this must have sounded stupid, sorry.

edited 4:16 PM EDT July 25, 2008
by MarkGrass at 7:42 PM EDT on July 25, 2008
Nah, I know exactly what you were trying to say. :D
Translation by Bugger at 6:30 PM EDT on July 26, 2008
That´s it, yes, it is German, and no I´m not from Germany -.- (Austria is the way to go^^)

Also another question, do you also plan to support as many filetypes as you can, or only the "new" ones? For example .gbs and so on...
Would be great to do a batch convert with vgmstream.



Das ist vgmstream, eine Bibliothek um Streams (Audiodateien) von Videospielen abzuspielen.
Es wird permanent weiterentwickelt. Es gibt zwei Endbenutzerprogramme: Ein
Kommandozeilendeocder mit dem Namen "test" und einem einfachen Winamp Plugin "in_vgmstream".

--- Benötigte Dateien (für Windows) ---
Da Ogg Vorbis und MPEG Audio jetzt unterstützt werden, benötigt man
libvorbis.dll und libmpg123-0.dll.
Die libvorbis.dll bekommt ihr hier:
und die benötigte Intel math dll:
Und libmpg123-0.dll von diesem Archiv:

Gebt die libvorbis.dll, libmmd.dll und libmpg123-0.dll irgendwohin wo Windows sie
findet. Für in_vgmstream heißt das, das sie in den Ordner mit der winamp.exe gehören, oder
in den System Ordner (X:/WINDOWS/system32/). Für die test.exe gilt, die dll´s einfach in den gleichen
Ordner wie die exe oder in das Systemverzeichnis geben.

--- test.exe ---
Benützung: test.exe [-o outfile.wav] [-l Anz. der Wiederholungen]
[-f Ausklingzeit] [-d Delay der Ausklingzeit] [-ipPcmxeE] Eingabedatei
-o outfile.wav: Name der auszugebenden Datei .wav Datei; Wenn nicht angegeben: dump.wav
-l loop count: Anzahl der Wiederholungen; Wenn nicht angegeben 2.0
-f fade time: Ausklingzeit (Sekunden); Wenn nicht angegeben 10.0
-d fade delay: Delay der Ausklingzeit (Sekunden); Wenn nicht angegeben 0.0
-i: Ignoriere Loop Informationen und spiele die Datei von vorne bis hinten einmal ab
-p: Ausgabe nach stdout (Zum pipen in ein anderes Programm)
-P: Ausgabe nach stdout auch falls stdout ein Terminal ist
-c: Für immer wiederholen (Ohne Unterbrechnung)
-m: Ausgabe von Metadaten, kein Decode
-x: Decoden und anschließend adxencd Kommandozeile ausgeben um es als ADX zu encoden
-e: Erzwungenes end-to-end looping
-E: Erzwungenes end-to-end looping auch wenn die Datei Loop Punkte hat
-r outfile2.wav: Zweite Ausgabe nach Reset der Einstellungen

test -o happy.wav happy.adx
um happy.adx nach happy.wav zu konvertieren.

--- in_vgmstream ---
Die Daten "in_vgmstream.dll" in den Plugins Ordner von Winamp kopieren.

Dateientypen die bei dieser Version von vgmstream unterstützt werden:
- .adx (CRI ADX ADPCM)
- .brstm (RSTM: GC/Wii DSP ADPCM, 8/16 bit PCM)
- .strm (STRM: NDS IMA ADPCM, 8/16 bit PCM)
- .adp (GC DTK ADPCM)
- .agsc (GC DSP ADPCM)
- .rsf (CCITT G.721 ADPCM)
- .afc (GC AFC ADPCM)
- .ast (GC/Wii AFC ADPCM, 16 bit PCM)
- .hps (GC DSP ADPCM)
- .dsp (GC DSP ADPCM)
- Standard, mit dual file Stereo
- RS03
- Cstr
- .stm
- _lr.dsp
- .gcsw (16 bit PCM)
- .ads/.ss2 (PSX ADPCM)
- .npsf (PSX ADPCM)
- .rwsd (Wii DSP ADPCM, 8/16 bit PCM)
- .xa (CD-ROM XA Audio)
- .rxw (PSX ADPCM)
- .int (16 bit PCM)
- .stm/.dsp (GC DSP ADPCM)
- .sts (PSX ADPCM)
- .svag (PSX ADPCM)
- .mib, .mi4 (w/ or w/o .mih) (PSX ADPCM)
- .mpdsp (GC DSP ADPCM)
- .mic (PSX ADPCM)
- .mss (GC DSP ADPCM)
- .gcm (GC DSP ADPCM)
- .raw (16 bit PCM)
- .vag (PSX ADPCM)
- .gms (PSX ADPCM)
- .str+.sth (PSX ADPCM)
- .ild (PSX APDCM)
- .pnb (PSX ADPCM)
- .wavm (XBOX IMA ADPCM)
- .xwav (XBOX IMA ADPCM)
- .wp2 (PSX ADPCM)
- .str (GC DSP ADPCM)
- .sng, .asf, .str, .eam (EA/XA ADPCM or PSX ADPCM)
- .cfn (GC DSP ADPCM)
- .vpk (PSX ADPCM)
- .ogg, .logg (Ogg Vorbis)
- .sad (GC DSP ADPCM)
- .bmdx (PSX ADPCM)
- .wsi (Wii DSP ADPCM)
- .aiff (8/16 bit PCM)
- .str (SDX2 DPCM)
- .ahx (MPEG-2 Layer II)
- .ivb (PS2 ADPCM)
- .amts (GC DSP ADPCM)
- .svs (PS2 ADPCM)
- .wav (8/16 bit PCM)
- .lwav (8/16 bit PCM)
- .pos (Loop Info für .wav)
- .nwa (16 bit PCM)
- .xss (16 bit PCM)
- .sl3 (PS2 ADPCM)
- .hgc1 (PS2 ADPCM)
- .aus (PS2 ADPCM)
- .rws (PS2 ADPCM)
- .rsd (PS2 ADPCM, 16 bit PCM)
- .rwx (16 bit PCM)
- .xwb (16 bit PCM)
- .asf, .as4 (8/16 bit PCM, EACS IMA ADPCM)
- .cnk (PS2 ADPCM)
- .xa30 (PS2 ADPCM)
- .musc (PS2 ADPCM)
- .leg (PS2 ADPCM)
- .filp (PS2 ADPCM)
- .ikm (PS2 ADPCM)
- .musx (PS2 ADPCM)
- .sfs (PS2 ADPCM)
- .bg00 (PS2 ADPCM)
- .dvi (DVI IMA ADPCM)
- .kcey (EACS IMA ADPCM)
- .rstm (PS2 ADPCM)
- .acm (InterPlay ACM)
- .sli (Loop Info für .ogg)
- .psh (PS2 ADPCM)
- .vig (PS2 ADPCM)
- .sfl (Loop Info für .ogg);

Viel Spaß!

-Übersetzung von Markus P.
by hcs at 7:07 PM EDT on July 26, 2008
vgmstream is not an emulator, it is a decoder.

".gbs and so on" (GBS, NSF, SPC, PSF, VGM, etc. if I understand you correctly) are emulated formats, that is:
They contain both music data (in the form of MIDI-like sequences and instrument sample data) as well as a native (NES, SNES, Playstation, Gameboy, etc) program that plays them. Thus to play them you need an emulator for each system.

vgmstream is for playing strictly streamed audio, that is: audio files copied directly from game disks, which can be played back with external programs, completely bypassing any hardware emulation or sequencing. This is much simpler and more general, which is how vgmstream is able to support as many formats as it does with so much common code.

This does sharply limit its usefulness to games that use streamed audio, but in these days of hundreds of megabyte NDS games and several gigabyte optical discs it is becoming more and more often the rule. Older games, particularly for cartridge-based systems, rarely had space for streams, and thus unfortunately are beyond the scope of vgmstream.

edited 7:08 PM EDT July 26, 2008
by Bugger at 7:50 PM EDT on July 26, 2008
So you really want to make it a vgmstream
^^, I wrote before I thought, here (Austria) it´s 01:50 AM so not the best time^^. Sorry for that dumb question. I just googled around and I started thinking about a gbs to midi converter, it´s possible as you can read here:
(Under Gameboy)

But the only problem to make an easy toolchain is that it requires 2 Platforms, Win and Linux,
so you´ll need 2 Comps or 2 Bootups, I also don´t know if the quality is stable (will test it).

You sure ask, "Why, WHY do you want MIDI?"
Easy question, easy answer:
You can have timidty for HQ Rendering of the MIDIs (If you have a good Soundfont) which means, no Gameboysound but great MIDI Sound, normally you have to arrange it (much work)
and if you cannot do it it get´s worse^^

If you really read until here I´m impressed that somebody reads what I write ^^"

Now the question: Is it really worth doing that much for some gbs files? What do you think about it?

(If this post has to less information about vgmstream and needs a seperate thread just write it, I´ll edit it, but please don´t delete it in an instant)

Edit: Even if I can do it, I have no Idea how to rip a gbs file (but I have some, thanks to the Internet)

edited 7:52 PM EDT July 26, 2008
by hcs at 8:03 PM EDT on July 26, 2008
Yeah, that discussion does not belong in this thread. But for the record, I often prefer the "Gameboysound" to "great MIDI Sound".
by Bugger at 9:05 PM EDT on July 26, 2008
I also like it (the Paragon5 Tracker owns^^) but the little neat thing is that you want sometimes more, for example, if you really love a melody then there is no way to improve it, I give you an example:

The good old "Wario Land 3:The mysterious orgel" game had one of the best GBC Endings that I had heard so far, on the GBC there were no Problems with the sound, but the crappy emulation of all the Winamp Plugins destroyed the quality on my PC :-( So I made my MIDI, and hurray I got at least my melody(with a bit of bass xD) back, here is the example:

The ogg file and the gbs file for comparison
Track 21 in the gbs file
Sorry for the up on megaupload I was in hurry

(Yes I´m making a seperate thread right now, but I want to have a last response to this...)
by hcs at 7:17 AM EDT on August 2, 2008
Hasn't been long since the last test release, but I thought this was pretty cool so I'm pushing out a new one.

Notably added in this release is support for AIX. This is an interleaved format that I wrote an extractor for a few years back; it is pretty much a bunch of ADXs interleaved together. Games used to use it for alternate versions of tracks (like the _multi files in Mario Galaxy) to blend them realtime. But now, on a number of Xbox 360 games, it is being used to hold 5.1 channel surround sound audio. Apparently ADX can't support more than two channels, so they interleave together three stereo ADX streams into a single AIX. Additionally, AIX handles looping a bit oddly: there are (at least) two segments in the AIX, one for the intro and the other for the loop. These are each complete ADX files, all mixed together, so for a typical looped song you have 6 ADXs in the AIX.

I've long known it was possible to support this, but I didn't work up the courage to attack it until SoulCalibur IV was ripped. It is working, as is Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit, and the audio tracks to SFD videos in Blue Dragon (probably Lost Odyssey as well).

It ought to work on the traditional AIXs as seen in Okami as well, though they are encrypted, and having the variants play at once is usually not desired.


edited 7:18 AM EDT August 2, 2008
AIX by Elven Spellmaker at 4:16 PM EDT on August 3, 2008
@hcs: Does that mean that you can choose which pieces to hear in the AIX files? (If you get what I mean)
What I mean is, can you turn seperate channels off on these files...

And does Mario Kart Wii have AIX files for tracks like Koopa Cape? If I renamed the *.brstm to *.aix for those would that work, or have they now been ripped differently.

If they have to be ripped as AIX where could I find (if I can) the AIX versions to the multi tracks in:

Mario Kart
Mario Galaxy

And thanks for the download help for Mario Galaxy =)

Many Thanks,

Elven Spellmaker

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