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by punk7890-2 at 6:33 AM EST on January 21, 2018
Thanks furrybob+bnnm. Latest adxs for that game work fine now. I'll upload the set soon.
by furrybob at 10:45 AM EST on January 21, 2018
If you're ripping the files from the game ISO, could you post the game's executable too? Should be named something similar to SLPS_xxx.xx

That's odd about the compiler issues. Is that the only known issue, or are there others as well?
by bnnm at 12:27 PM EST on January 21, 2018
@furrybob - Oh, compiler is fine. test.exe MSVC vs GCC have the same speed and all. Rather, MSVC builds enable maiatrac3plus for ATRAC3plus and fdk-aac/qaac for AAC, while my builds don't (compatibility is the same, they use FFmpeg instead).

I don't know much about fdk-aac/qaac, but IIRC maiat3p was a gross decompilation of Sony's decoder (Sonicstage?) passed as "open source".

When enabled, vgmstream's maiat3p decoder + .AT3 can't do encoder delay and on a quick glance fixing that required redoing much (due to corner cases and stuff), so I just disabled it in my builds (since kode54 handles DLLs I didn't want to downright delete it). Then again I don't think most people care about ~1000 samples being off (looping is fine, just the encoder delay isn't correctly skipped).

On the other hand maiat3p's decoding accuracy is higher than FFmpeg's, given it's stolen code and all.

Also, I think MSVC+Winamp can't enable unicode (for dual files) as some extra things need to be fixed, GCC/MingW is more permissive.
by Ultrafighter at 12:28 PM EST on January 21, 2018
@Bnnm: I really appreciate your work on those PCM RWS files so thanks again mate, it was also a very pleasant surprise to find both newer versions of plugin available already (with FB2K it might take some days for an update to appear on site, this time it was super fast)!

BTW are video samples allowed here? I've probably run into some totally unknown codec on a last-gen console and would be grateful to you for inspection of such movies (to help me figure out this: can they be slightly changed variants of well-known video types, do they appear to have any audio in them and if yes can demuxer script be written, etc.).
I'm talking about PS2 IPU files, I encountered them in one (or two?) SmackDown installments but don't have examples at hand ATM. Of course they can be re-obtained though if they're needed for research, you just tell me if you want to look into 'em.

Best regards!
by punk7890-2 at 1:41 AM EST on January 22, 2018
@furrybob SLPM + other (maybe) relevant files.

@Ultrafighter you could give this tool a try, but it doesn't always work on some IPU files.
by Ultrafighter at 3:34 AM EST on January 22, 2018
@Punk7890-2: I'll grab that tool ASAP and test it on my IPUs, thanks for nudging me in the right direction!
It's not very promising to discover from PSX-Scene forum that *.IPU vids aren't supposed to have any audio within movie files themselves... Just when I thought it'll be all over pretty soon it seems that I'll have to search for FMV sound somewhere else!

@Bnnm: I came across one EA video I couldn't demultiplex with all 3 configs (in your EA SCHl/1SNH video demuxer), would you like to have a look? It's apparently that 4 second EA Sports logo but still... shouldn't it be checked out if only for science?

by punk7890-2 at 3:56 AM EST on January 22, 2018
Ah right. I forgot that tool probably won't extract audio even if it does work. The IPUs in Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga have video + audio and don't work with it.
by furrybob at 10:12 AM EST on January 22, 2018
Thanks! The keystring used for encrypting the game's ADX files is "SONMYOJI"

BTW, if you rip any games using ADX type-8 encryption (Vgmstream will say so when running it from the command line or in foobar2000) upload the main executable for the game. VGAudioTools can use it to retrieve the keystring used for encryption.
by bnnm at 1:52 PM EST on January 22, 2018
@Ultrafighter - feel free to post vids, demuxing them can be pretty hard tho.
by Ultrafighter at 2:28 PM EST on January 22, 2018
An assortment of IPUs from Destruction derby: Arenas & EAS.TGQ from Superbike 2000 for PC.

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