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Spyro: A Hero's Tail sample files by Brandondorf9999 at 10:19 AM EST on February 15, 2018
From the last thread I posted the sample files that need to be converted from earlier, I've asked for help getting these ripped from .dat to .wav after extracting the dats from the .sfx files in Spyro: A Hero's Tail.

edited 10:20 AM EST February 15, 2018
by Knurek at 3:50 PM EST on February 17, 2018
@bnnm: I've uploaded Metal Gear Solid 2/3 Vita rips.
MGS2 uses(?) 9TAV files, for which I've seen converters to AT9 on Xentax forums. Might just be raw AT9 stream. Might be nothing, I've had to extract them from SDT files using some Python script. If you need the original files, let me know.
MGS 3 seems to use MTAF files (with some header data, not sure if you'd prefer for me to strip them?), but don't play in VGMStream. I'm guessing ATRAC9 streams instead of PS-ADPCM.
Could you take a look into supporting them?
by bnnm at 6:03 PM EST on February 17, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Adjust Switch Opus skip/num_samples (by furrybob)
- Add Ubi RAKI PCM/Opus [Just Dance 2017, Rayman Legends (Switch)]
- Add some Ubi SB0 [Surf's Up (PC)]
- Add L2SD Ogg [Lineage II Chronicle 4 (PC)]
- Fix MS-IMA ADPCM decoding/num_samples [Layton Brothers (iOS)]
- Fix REF-IMA ADPCM decoding/num_samples
- Fix some MSADPCM num_samples
- (dev) IMA/etc cleanup

vgmstream was decoding MS-IMA (RIFF codec 0x11) like XBOX-IMA (RIFF codec 0x69), but actually MS-IMA outputs 1 extra header sample per block, while XBOX doesn't as it's aligned (as seen in the wSamplesPerBlock RIFF value). Meaning output was slightly incorrect for some formats (mainly a few LWAVs) and at least one game was failing to loop, but shouldn't be super noticeable otherwise.
I tracked down MS's spec/code and double checked various formats, now agrees with other players.

It's possible other IMA codecs need this (I think FSB, WWISE and maybe AWC follow XBOX's model, not sure about others).

NOTE: This affects GENH incorrectly using MS-IMA / XBOX-IMA. All GENH Xbox sets on joshw seem fine but not sure about PC.


@Ultrafighter - For .sb0 you can't rename any .ss0/ls0, they are referenced.

@marcusss - Juiced 1 extra files do seem to have subsong offsets but I'll need to research.

@Knurek - Shouldn't be too hard to add, both are a mini-header + ATRAC9, but MGS3 has a mix of 9TAV and MTAF with a dose of Metal Gear Blocks of olde.
If you can post a bunch of the MGS2 .sdt and the python script, I think would help to understand MGS3 better, I suspect the script simply removes the MG blocks.
(MTA/MTA2 work both with and without blocks; they are more part of the engine but some dumpers don't remove them).
by Knurek at 7:29 PM EST on February 17, 2018
@bnnm: Okay, I'll try to upload something for you.
In the mean time, I've also ripped the 4 PSVita Fifa games, so if you want samples of SPS AT9, just look in the unplayable folder on JoshW.
by Ultrafighter at 6:55 AM EST on February 18, 2018
@Bnnm: Thanks for this SB0 update, I'll try to find all Surf's up files with that extension and check out if they can be played back now.

And I'm wondering if there's any progress in regards to that older EA WVE movie format... Would some more samples help you try and devise a BMS that demuxes such vids?
BTW they seem to be referenced to as "VAGmovies" in an executable file of a PSX game (SLUS_009.64 to be exact), I might be wrong but there're even bits of code (?) needed to play 'em... BTW the title I'm talking about is Hot wheels - Turbo racing.
Would you like to look into those (2 new *.wve files & that EXE)?

So long!

edited 6:58 AM EST February 18, 2018
by bnnm at 6:09 PM EST on February 21, 2018
"blocked" EA formats like WVE/MGAV/etc are simple enough, no need for more examples, but demuxing/implementing/testing them take more time due to their quirky nature. So it'll be done eventually, but I have no ETA.
by bnnm at 7:12 PM EST on February 25, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add FSB FADPCM decoding [Dead Rising 4 (PC), Sine Mora Ex (Switch)]
- Improve XBOX/FSB/WWISE-IMA decoding
- Fix some 4ch XBOX-IMA [Dynasty Warriors 4]
- Add .e4x [Driver 3 (PC)]
- Fix .adm + looping (needs exe) [Dragon Quest V (PS2)]
- (dev) .xwav now parsed in RIFF (can be named .lwav)
by marcusss at 7:56 AM EST on February 26, 2018
Thanks for the update bnnm as
Subdivision Infinity iOS works which uses FADPCM !

All we need now is those pesky RIFFJ ones to work too ;)

edited 7:57 AM EST February 26, 2018
by MoldyPond at 9:00 PM EST on February 26, 2018
TL;DR BRSTM support has been broken for about a month or so.

Dunno if it's been mentioned here but is anyone else having issues with BRSTM files? I've always had my vgmstream settings set to loop 3 times but play indefinitely. A few updates ago it made it so that BRSTM files show their length as being looped 3 times but repeat from the start of the file before the first loop every time. Scrolling to the further point ends it immediately and trying to convert a song will give me an error and output to just before the first loop. Reinstalling the plugin does absolutely nothing, and it only affects BRSTMs; No other format. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
by marcusss at 11:10 PM EST on February 26, 2018
Hi bnnm.

Here are some examples from the old XBOX game Night Caster. Its original files were wwise_p so I guess adpcm ima wem or something.. they play wifh loud static like many similar supposedly wwise audio files


If you don't mind taking a look I would really appreiate it.


edited 4:29 AM EST February 27, 2018

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