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by Knurek at 7:11 PM EDT on May 25, 2018
@bnnm: Unplayable XWB, from Vita version of Stardew Valley. AT9?
Cannot be also parsed by xwb_split.
by ChillyBilly at 2:04 PM EDT on May 27, 2018
Come to think of it... I've been wondering this for a while, but is it possible for vgmstream to support the .vas sound archives used in various Konami games? Just to use an example, a while back I posted the archives for the Wii Power Pro series (relevant page here), but I was unable to split/extract the audio. However, I at least know that they all contain DSP audio, which brings me back to my question of whether it's possible to make the archives themselves playable? Thanks in advance for any assistance on this matter!
by bnnm at 6:38 PM EDT on May 27, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add .xss RIFF extension [Spider-Man the Movie (Xbox)]
- Add .rda extension [Rhythm Destruction (PC)]
- Add .xwb ATRAC9 [Stardew Valley (Vita)]
- Fix TXTH data_size for IMA
- Fix some Ubi LyN [Michael Jackson the Experience (PS3)]
- Fix TXTP loop parsing


Updated xwb_split.

Scott Pilgrim I understand how it works but it's a pain to add, maybe later.
by Nicknine at 2:15 AM EDT on May 28, 2018
So apparently, RWS files from Madagascar have only one sub-stream and use segments as different tracks which makes playing them in vgmstream problematic. What a genius move from devs.
Any idea on what to do about it?

KINGOFMU.RWS (PS2 version)

edited 2:15 AM EDT May 28, 2018

edited 11:51 AM EDT May 28, 2018
by Nicknine at 10:36 AM EDT on May 28, 2018
Another request, .VAI files used in some Disney/Pixar games on Gamecube/Wii.
The format is same as PS2 JOE counterpart except it's big endian, default interleave is 0x4000 bytes and there's DSP coefficient table at 0x0C. No idea about loop info, though.


By the way, this is probably not good because those files have some padding at the end as well. From what I've seen, audio data always starts at 0x4020 (0x4060 on GC) so I think it should always use that offset instead.

edited 10:47 AM EDT May 28, 2018
by bnnm at 4:56 PM EDT on May 29, 2018
RWS I could put segments as subsongs I guess, not sure how would affect other sets. I'll give some thought.

For any new format, unless you post several samples and the name of the game there is no chance I'll implement.
QT IMA4 by Alpha23 at 7:29 AM EDT on May 30, 2018
Hi there!
I've found some aif files that contain QT IMA which isn't yet supported by vgmstream:!CpsAyAAS!3CSqaKUYx_o8fE_V_OzNjqLUYrLKZseDvxCMXc2dxSg
I don't know how many games use this codec, the files are from "Alida" (PC, 2004). VLC can play the files btw.
by Nicknine at 1:15 PM EDT on May 30, 2018
The game is Ratatouille on GC/Wii (the sound files are identical in both versions). Here are 5 more samples:
by Ultrafighter at 2:32 PM EDT on May 30, 2018
Hi Bnnm, do you think you can help me with unpacking these audio archives? They're from The darkness & Need for speed: Undercover (X360 & PC respectively). I'll really appreciate it if you provide any solution for at least one title.

Darkness bigfiles apparently use nonstandard headers or store only headerless data so that I've got no idea how previous rips were done, maybe some TXTH will help us play the tracks? But of course we have to split these huge XWCs first.
Actually there's some BMS by Aluigi (you can find it in my package) but it doesn't solve the main problem: to divide sound banks into individual tracks.

NFS is yet another nasty example of EA's handiwork, they still use MUS+MPF but there're no SHCl headers this time. But possibly it doesn't mean that the game's unrippable (Windows version at least)? Weren't the latest Harry Potter VGs along with Simpsons game (PS3 ver.) rippable with all their EA ADPCM (?) in MUS files? I hope NFS-UC banks aren't unbreachable now...
BTW I found and tried out a script (written by AlphaTwentyThree) but it didn't work at all, resulting streams can't be played in VGMstream + ToWAV decodes them incorrectly (it outputs PCM WAVs that have just static in them).

Thanks in advance for all your input! All the best!
by Nicknine at 3:03 PM EDT on May 30, 2018
Someone has definitely ripped NFS: Undercover music before as seen here. The uploader doesn't know how it was extracted, though, he took the files uploaded somewhere else and the link has died since then.

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