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by Link0x at 2:52 PM EDT on April 26, 2009
Sounds great.. finally XMA is going down.. you happen to have a small progress information - and no hurry, no hurry, no rushing, it's just I officially admit I've been waiting for this since ages ;)

In case of Sonic Next I had to swap XMA files on the disc, burn big DVD+R DLs just to get access to some beta files.. it would be awesome to hear that these tortures are over!
by Mouser X at 3:11 PM EDT on April 26, 2009
Yes, HCS has been progressing through the code. Based on his findings so far, it sounds like the Russians had very good reason for hiding the source to their program. In one way or another, it's likely that the code they used was used without permission (whether it be from ffmpeg, or from somewhere else). Nothing useful yet, but some very interesting things overall. Not much of a "progress report," but at least you know there is progress. Mouser X over and out.
by hcs at 3:28 PM EDT on April 26, 2009
I'm not 100% conclusive about that (particularly the ffmpeg interpretation seems less likely), but there are some odd scenarios where MS's error return codes are used.
by OrangeC at 3:59 PM EDT on April 26, 2009
Guys i just got info that i wsn't suppose to leak this tool to other sites. But Xporer the creator doesn't know yet about that, so im afriad im gonna have to remove the tool from the front page.

sorry, but you can still google it, btw HSC i would keep a low profile if your gonna edit the code.

Hmm cant seem toe dit my front post. HSC can u plz remove the link.

edited 4:01 PM EDT April 26, 2009
by hcs at 5:21 PM EDT on April 26, 2009
Removed. And it's "hcs", btw.
by -FDM64- at 6:26 PM EDT on April 26, 2009
OrangeC, are you the same OrangeC from the ffshrine forums?
by mudlord at 7:08 PM EDT on April 26, 2009
@Mouser X: Thats bloody hilarous. I guess the Russians should be fearful that DeDe works fine in decompiling it......

And that UPX crap? hah. they are deluded to think it can hide anything....
by OrangeC at 8:13 PM EDT on April 26, 2009
"OrangeC, are you the same OrangeC from the ffshrine forums?"

Yes i am.
by Elven Spellmaker at 8:22 PM EDT on April 26, 2009
"OrangeC, are you the same OrangeC from the ffshrine forums?"

Yes i am.

DejaVu, because I'm sure someone has asked that before...
by hcs at 8:57 PM EDT on April 26, 2009
mudlord, I'm curious, how were you able to get results out of DeDe? All I got was an uninteresting disassembly with unpacked.exe and nothing with towav.exe. I wasn't able to attach to the running processes, but I'm not sure if this is a problem with Wine or DeDe.

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