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by Franpa at 2:57 PM EDT on May 26, 2011
Well then could someone please provide us with a pre-compiled build?
by neo_chip at 7:28 AM EDT on May 27, 2011
Exactly my thought ^
by GANO at 5:30 PM EDT on May 27, 2011
Here, but no winamp2 and foobar2000v8 because I can't compile it.

edited 5:31 PM EDT May 27, 2011
by neo_chip at 6:14 PM EDT on May 27, 2011
Thanks but it still retains either v.22 or v.23. And the log hasn't changed in the txt file.

by GANO at 8:17 PM EDT on May 27, 2011
Of course, it isn't a release.
...Pluginja? by JFD62780 at 11:26 PM EDT on May 27, 2011
Does this mean... the Pluginja has a name!?!? O.O
by Franpa at 12:59 PM EDT on May 28, 2011
Thanks very much, better support for various games songs and it seeks properly in combination with the WUMPUS OpenAL audio output plugin :) (Previous version stalled if you tried to seek when using that output plugin)
by TheUltimateKoopa at 5:42 PM EDT on May 13, 2012
Sorry for the bump, but can you re-upload the most recent unofficial release of vio2sf, that's already been compiled?
Or at least... how do I compile it from the link on the previous page.

Also, semi-related... if the stuff needs to be compiled, wouldn't the term "pre-compiled" mean... the same as what it is anyway, as in, you'd need to compile it, because it'd be "before it was compiled", 'pre' meaning, before? You mean "post-compiled", right, Franpa? XD
by cooljacker at 6:22 PM EDT on May 13, 2012
I think I have that one (also snatched from here, the one GANO uploaded I mean)......

foobar plugin:

winamp plugin:

edited 6:26 PM EDT May 13, 2012
by TheUltimateKoopa at 8:08 PM EDT on May 13, 2012
GANO's one (i.e the one he uploaded was the one I meant) :P *downloads*

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