yeah that be good im looking for a header to compare to everblue, I want to try to take a header readable by vgm trans and change some of the header data so it may be readable by vgm trans, but this is pretty advance for me, so yeah i would need another game that has a readable hd bd sq
by Locke_gb7 at 11:35 AM EDT on September 20, 2024
Damnit, I have been trying to find any other game's .hd .bd .sq but seems i can't find one : /
I apologize for the very long delay. I recently got a new job and I haven't put any free time to forum stuff.
Here is sound.dat. It is Silent Hill 2's sound data file that can be opened with the VGMTrans I gave you to get BD/HD/SQ data.
I didn't respond immediately with this file because every time I think I understand the structure sort of like standard PSF, I'm wrong. PSF2 is mostly similar, however since because I assume you can switch between 44100HZ or 48000HZ for audio usage, cent frequency, which is used to find tones out of normal semitone range doesn't work on PSF2 export. (At least it didn't with SH2) Also, there are too many files to sort and organize with the right ones. So you'll have to make a new collection with either BD/HD/SQ and then see what it looks like.
If you're not looking for perfect accuracy and just want the files, google drive link is all the way below this text. And big tip: If you're using polyphone, DON'T play any samples of instruments that are blank. These are samples that were not properly assigned and will crash Polyphone (not your computer or anything else), but it's still annoying nonetheless.
Hmmm. I saw how you can create a collection using those types of files but the only options VGMtrans gives is save a collection as wav or raw data.
I don't see any ways provided by the program to extract hd bd sq unless it is extracted from the hex?
which the program seems not to let you do. This would also require intensive knowledge of the hex structure.
Do i dump them as raw data?
edited 9:17 AM EDT September 24, 2024
by Locke_gb7 at 10:22 AM EDT on September 28, 2024
Hmmm, after looikng more into it, seems VGMtrans doesn't deal at all with .hd .bd .sq, unless theres a way to convert hem to another format. I will try looking into this.
I officially give up after weeks of trying to find a way even with AI, i think I managed to create a PSF2 file but without the psflib files nothing can play/read them.
I looked everywhere in games files for the sound driver but i couldn't find it.
I will playthrough and manually record what of it I can.