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by marcusss at 10:57 AM EDT on April 13, 2008
Thanks for sharing them :):)

edited 11:08 AM EDT April 13, 2008
by bxaimc at 1:35 PM EDT on April 13, 2008
can someone upload the .thp files from the game please
by DjKnuX at 3:35 PM EDT on April 13, 2008
Thanks jurassicPieter for upload the Tracks. I´m happy to listen the Music that works with VGM right now.^^

by Omochao at 8:21 PM EDT on April 13, 2008
Hope we can get support for those last files soon!
by marcusss at 9:01 PM EDT on April 13, 2008
yeah..its quite a large file (the one not supported currently).They others all play great.. It's cool there is music from other mario kart games also :)

edited 9:04 PM EDT April 13, 2008
by Omochao at 9:05 PM EDT on April 14, 2008
PLEASE create a plugin for those last few files!
by marcusss at 9:43 PM EDT on April 14, 2008
On the torrent sites you can find the large pack of brstms :) they all work fine.. and sound great. YES it would be nice to hear the missing ones and the contents of the brsar someday :) Im in No rush :P:P
by starerik at 7:58 AM EDT on April 15, 2008
Omochao: Stop requesting it, you tard. You're only going to piss off UF more.
by unknownfile at 8:38 AM EDT on April 15, 2008

Google "C tutorials" and shut the fuck up.
by hcs at 12:15 PM EDT on April 15, 2008
vgmstream r73 (build up as soon as sourceforge updates mirrors) supports multi-channel brstm decoding. Only in the command line version (test.exe), though, where it can safely write many-channel .wavs. You can then do whatever you want with the many channels in an appropriate audio editor.

I'm not happy with the looping yet, though, something is awry and popping at the loop point.

edited 12:16 PM EDT April 15, 2008

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