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by Anterag at 3:37 PM EDT on August 28, 2018
@bnnm - Thank you for your answer. Now that I found the WAVE Scanner script (Alpha23) worked on PS3, Xbox 360 & PC, and that I had to rename the output WAVs into LWAVs to play them correctly on vgmstream, I also think it's not urgent to add this format.
by AnonRunzes at 6:52 PM EDT on August 29, 2018

i'm just posting some new samples right here


these files came from a game called Enthusia Professional Racing on the PS2
i organized a bunch of files into a few folders that represent the actual file extension of these files as sourced from the executable of said game
in one of these folders, you might see some files with the .ap/.lep/.lp/.sdat extension - i had to assign the file extension of these files into their respective header IDs

look, i already know there *is* some semblance of support in the form of ps2_enth.c - but from the looks of it, that code needs to be redone to support at least two uncovered formats that came from said game

edited 6:55 PM EDT August 29, 2018

edited 6:56 PM EDT August 29, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 5:10 PM EDT on August 30, 2018
Hi Bnnm! Thanks for redoing that EA-XMA with custom IO for fixes, now those 6ch segments from Skate sound just fine!

I'm also wondering if there's some progress with MUS audio banks (?) from SSX (2012), was someone able to figure them out or supposedly some smaller related files are needed to understand their (MUS files) structure or probably learn something about their layout? I think I included both MPFs found in the same folder along with sound samples but there might be more to them than that; I can try searching for additional info/table files if it's called for.


edited 5:11 PM EDT August 30, 2018
by Knurek at 2:55 AM EDT on September 1, 2018
@bnnm: I've managed to find another weird Koei Tecmo meta.
Vita games, KTAC header, doesn't compress at all, so I'm guessing it's ATRAC9 with some wonky header.
Might be SFX/Voices, can't tell without decoding - but they were mixed with standard AT9 filesa md looking at corresponding PSP versions of the game, the VITA one misses a lot of music if you only count the AT9 files.
Samples: KTAC
by punk7890-2 at 12:30 AM EDT on September 2, 2018
Found a game that has encrypted ADXs. I am pretty sure the decryption key is GBRAVO but I do not know how to test that. Would someone mind testing this and adding to VGMstream if that key is correct? Game title is Girls Bravo: Romance 15's

Encrypted ADXs.
by bnnm at 6:45 PM EDT on September 2, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add some metas
- DSP: itl, vag (PPP), vai, sdf
- PS2: int (A2M), ahv, msv, sdf, svg, vis
- PC: .aif (Asobo), ao, apc, wv2
- Xbox: xau (Konami)
- Fix bcstm 3DS-IMA last interleave and cleanup [Mario Golf (3DS)]
- (dev) Clean HCA meta/decoder
- (dev) Clean clHCA lib (comments, renames, api, code)
- (dev) Improve HCA/clHCA key detection
- Fix all HCA num samples/looping [Binary Domain (PC), Octopath Traveller (Switch)]
- Fix clHCA lib v1.1 ATH scaling [El Shaddai (PS3)]
- Fix some Sony .bnk
- Divide into and add GENH/TXTH/ doc
- (dev) Rename test.vcxproj to vgmstream_cli.vcxproj (test.exe wasn't renamed)
- Add ADX key [Girls Bravo: Romance 15's (PS2)]


@Ultrafighter - MUS/MPF seemed very complex, don't think I can do anything.

@Knurek - It looks like an unknown VBR codec, probably mutant ATRAC9.
You didn't rip them correctly though, size is at KTAC + 0x08, after that is garbage like RIFFs.
by Nicknine at 8:28 PM EDT on September 2, 2018
@bnnm - vgmstream currently supports a ton of different codecs and container formats and a lot of them are not fully documented anywhere outside of vgmstream code. Maybe it's worth starting up a wiki on GitHub documenting all the formats supported by vgmstream? That would be very handy.

edited 8:32 PM EDT September 2, 2018
by Anterag at 7:32 AM EDT on September 3, 2018
@bnnm - Thank you for this update.

However, ITL files from Cars Race-O-Rama Wii don't play properly. They are L/R DSPs at 44100Hz Stereo. Maybe it's necessary to split them before playing but since you said we were able to play correctly ITLs, that wouldn't be logical.

Sample: Cars Race-O-Rama Wii ITL

by Ultrafighter at 7:45 AM EDT on September 3, 2018
@Bnnm - Alright then, I can always mark them as unplayables and still include them in my rip... I guess? It's supposedly exactly the same thing that author of SSX 3 GameCube rip did: keep both playable EAMs & unplayable DSPs in his set, possibly hoping that the latter is going to become playable one day.

Anyway it doesn't look like Alpha's BMS malfunctioned or we're trying to rip audio off the files that aren't sound banks to begin with so probably we can't anything else with those MUS/MPF files.


PS. Any luck with Chronicles of Riddick PC archives? I was hoping it's not going to be very hard to edit your script, the one that worked on The darkness banks but doesn't quite work on XWCs from later Windows games, was I wrong?

edited 7:50 AM EDT September 3, 2018
by bnnm at 11:59 AM EDT on September 3, 2018
@Nicknine - all(?) codecs and some formats are described in the readme.
Documenting is something even non-coders can do, and if in the 10 years of vgmstream nobody has bothered to make a format list I don't think there is much demand.

@Anterag - There are many things called ".itl", and that one can't be added ATM due to things.
Meanwhile you can make it playable-ish by unzipping this file in the sound dir

@Ultrafighter - I don't have the bms at hand, upload it somewhere.

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