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by bnnm at 8:28 PM EDT on September 16, 2018
@marcusss - fsb5_split is bugged and can't split files bigger than ~1.5GB.

vgmstream may work directly with +1.5GB FSB5s but depending on the plugin and how it was compiled it may not, I never tested.

@punk7890-2 - I'll add the key but .adxkey works for me, here.

Btw if you have ADX keystrings for games that already play you could post them too to fill the blanks in collection.
(VGAudioTools may be able to extract keystring from the PS2 exe)
by punk7890-2 at 8:42 PM EDT on September 16, 2018
Ah, I see. I was pasting the text string for the adxkey. I don't have a github, so if it's alright, I'll continue posting here if I find anymore.
by Ultrafighter at 4:23 AM EDT on September 17, 2018
@Bnnm - about Fable XMAs: may I know if you're going to look into both Fable Heroes & Fable 3 to find out if they need reripping? I think I can wait for a rerip if that's the case and both titles weren't ripped correctly.
Best regards!
by bnnm at 6:38 AM EDT on September 17, 2018
I don't have those games at hand so somebody with them would have to check if they were indeed ripped incorrectly first.
by marcusss at 11:43 AM EDT on September 17, 2018
@bnnm. Unfortunately that fsb file is the thpe that won't play on its own unless it is split up. I can link the file to support it if possible since it is all music. Is.there a way to fix that ~1.5 GB bug or it is core issue that probably cannot be fixed. I guess you have enough on your play as well. I remember a couple games I had the same issues due to being.2gb + in size

by marcusss at 9:16 AM EDT on September 26, 2018
Can someone take a look at tis?

Labyrinth of Refrain. Music appears to be encrypted or someting. I included what looks like the table.

LoR Examples


edited 9:16 AM EDT September 26, 2018
by Knurek at 11:15 AM EDT on September 28, 2018
@bnnm: unplayable BNK files from Yakuza 6 PS4 rip (so that you don't have to download the whole 2 GB package).
by bnnm at 5:53 PM EDT on September 28, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add ADX key [Tensei Hakkenshi - Fuumaroku (PS2)]
- Improve BNSF looping
- Fix some FSB5 subsong offsets
- Fix CSMP [DKC Tropical Freeze (Switch)]
- Add fake RIFF IMA [MX vs. ATV Unleashed (PC)]
- (dev) Remove standard G.722.1 (Siren7), since no game uses it
- Add Capcom .adpcm [Resident Evil: Revelations (Switch)]
- Add UE4OPUS decoder [Fortnite (PC), ARK: Survival Evolved (PC)]
- RIFF: Looping info from CUE chunk (by Nicknine)
- Add .POS looping for .Ogg (by bxaimc)
- Add .lse Ogg [Labyrinth of Refrain (PC)]
- Add EAOpus [FIFA 17 (PC), FIFA 19 (Switch)]
- Fix .wem Opus encoder delay/gapless [Mario Rabbids (Switch)]
- (dev) Restore G719 max frame size as 2560 bits (0x140) is decoder max
- Add Sony .BNK v14 [Yakuza 6's Puyo Puyo (PS4)]


@marcusss - +2GB FSB are a bit hard to fix in foobar but will do it sooner or later I guess
by marcusss at 6:19 PM EDT on September 28, 2018
@ bnnm : No problems in regardd to supporting 2gb + single fsb files. It can wait.

Thanks for supporting LoR.
by AnonRunzes at 11:22 PM EDT on September 28, 2018
in case anyone ever considers contributing anything into vgmstream's code at all, here are the samples i'd like any of you to look at


edited 11:23 PM EDT September 28, 2018

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