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by plpl3000 at 3:30 AM EDT on October 8, 2018
vgmstream play dqm super light,hca files

by marcusss at 4:34 AM EDT on October 8, 2018
@bnnm : I figured the vorbis from Labyrinth of Refrain were encrypted. Was the table used to decrypt it or you worked it out yourself? Curious. The only downer with the PC version is there is no looping like the PS4 version I also ripped which is in ATRAC9. I thought they would be identical in song length but doesn't seem the case and PC version fades out.

edited 4:37 AM EDT October 8, 2018
by Ultrafighter at 5:39 AM EDT on October 8, 2018
@Bnnm - about Rogue warrior: thnx for the heads-up, I'll zip the set up and release the it right now!

In regard to Saints Row 1 *.XWB/XSB: damn, I was expecting something like that, it means that filesize isn't specified somewhere in XWB header and we can't set that BMS correctly, am I right?
It seems I'll have to think about different ways - I can only hope that some person helps us out & provides a script for VPPs originated from SR1, it should be way easier from there...

And about FC4: so it means that another script (BMS?) is required to unpack SOUND.DAT + SOUND.FAT (and similar pairs of archives) then separate streams / sound banks (with Ubi BAO headers I guess) should be implemented in plugin (and those streams / banks are probably not 100% MPEG, right?), is it the best way to rip such VG titles (especially if I'm planning to contribute them to HCS64 collection)?

Well I'd really like to get my hands on such a piece of code for QuickBMS so that I can finally rip FC2, FC3 + FC3:BD & of course FC4 and add proper sets or long-pending rerips to VGM Archives but (and that's quite a big BUT unfortunately) I can't insist on making it: I understand that it's probably a huge task (and very time-consuming too).

Anyway I'll be truly grateful if you help me at some point with ripping at least some FC installments, just tell me if you need samples of initial bigfiles or have an idea about what platform / codec might be the easiest to rip / add to VGMstream. For example it's not like I absolutely have to rip Far Cry 4 off PS3, it can be X360 ver. or even PC port; the same applies to all aforementioned installments.
All in all simply say if you're going to look into them or request example archives, there's no ETA as always but it'd be nice to know it beforehand.


PS. I'll check quad streams from Simpsons Game ASAP, thanks for this plugin update!
by bnnm at 1:41 PM EDT on October 8, 2018
@Nisto - it's one of those "blocked" formats, which are complex enough that it's better to add directly. Very similar to The Bouncer's .vs (actual ext), may add later.

@AceK - Skipping EOF data like that is done for some formats, but first some notes to clarify.

MIB is headerless PS-ADPCM created by a SCEE tool, which also makes a MIH header that includes size of EOF to skip, and data/loops in certain patterns.

Unless named MIB, any other headerless PS-ADPCM (big)files likely will be generated by other tools and contain different EOF and loop patterns than actual MIBs. Sometimes not-MIBs get renamed to MIB to force vgmstream into playing them. But folks doing new sets, please don't do that.

It's likely the actual header (be it MIH or a custom one) with EOF size will be in the PS2 exe or in files close by (see my prev response about RXWS), so first look for that. Then, I could add an option to TXTH to autodetect EOF in various patterns, but won't apply automatically.

@plpl3000- will fix

@marcuss - is was simple enough to figure out.

@Ultrafighter - xwb size is sum of a bunch of fields that vary between version, but xsb is more complex.

Far Cry are all like that. I tried to rip Blood Dragon before but the bms part was just too complex and time consuming. I suggest opening another topic, maybe @Nicknine can help?
by MoldyPond at 4:23 PM EDT on October 8, 2018
Ok so not only does the latest update actually work for Tropical Freeze now, but the Wii U files work now too :)
by bnnm at 7:16 PM EDT on October 13, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix ciph-1 HCA and add errors [DQ Monsters: Super Light (Mobile)]
- Add new HCA key derivation
- Add .xopus decoding [Angry Birds Transformers (Android)]
- Add RIFF .adpcm [Angry Birds Transformers (Android)]
- Add Konami / Sony ATRAC3 support for VA3 files (by chrispable)
by marcusss at 7:26 PM EDT on October 13, 2018
@bnnm: Thanks for the update.

I guess this is not a vgmstream issue but foobar doesn't play 32 bit wmapro files I ripped from the new released game, Evenicle. Can it be added to vgmstream otherwise will just use vlc or whatever

to play it. Everyone else will have to do the same?? I used ffmpeg to extract the streams. Cheers!

WMAPro 32bit song example

edited 7:28 PM EDT October 13, 2018
by Anterag at 6:54 AM EDT on October 14, 2018
@bnnm - Hi bnnm! Thank you for the new vgmstream update.

Is it possible to fix XMAs playing for The Simpsons Game Xbox 360? It seems there's a silence at the end of each XMA file.

Thank you in advance.
by Ultrafighter at 9:09 AM EDT on October 14, 2018
Maybe you should try converting a bunch of segments to a single output file and checking if there're still those small gaps within that longer track?
Apart from that I can't think of anything except tweaking the MUS splitter script a bit (if it's possible of course).
by kode54 at 11:04 PM EDT on October 14, 2018
@marcusss: It works just fine, if you don't use the .wma extension, which belongs to every player's built-in WMA decoder, which is unlikely to support this anyway. Rename to .wma.vgmstream, or just .vgmstream.

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