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by hcs at 7:35 AM EDT on August 28, 2008
I mean I don't know anything about them. No one ever sent me any and it was my understanding that everything was handled ok with just the .adps. If there is other stuff involved well that's news to me.

edited 7:39 AM EDT August 28, 2008
by Gedankenschild at 8:56 AM EDT on August 28, 2008
The majority of music is indeed there in adp and separate stereo dsp files (which you have to rename).
But there are a few pieces (like stuff that is played during cutscenes) that I couldn't find - and would be nice to have... :)
I just figured those would probably be the .aud files - because of the extension.

I could provide you with a few small ones if you're interested. How about emailing them? I haven't registered at any "uploading stuff" site yet...
by hcs at 10:32 AM EDT on August 28, 2008
Try, it's convenient and you don't have to register.
Uploaded by Gedankenschild at 11:35 AM EDT on August 28, 2008
Thanks, never heard of that before...

I uploaded a few files. Here's the link:
Updates? by hufman at 12:41 PM EDT on September 25, 2008
Are there any updates to vmgstream? I'm eagerly looking forward to its release, bringing proper Gamecube decoding and the glorious experience of Wii music in Foobar2000 :D
by hcs at 12:52 PM EDT on September 25, 2008
There have been many updates. The latest is r441. Can't summarize what's new right now.
by marioman at 10:17 AM EDT on September 27, 2008
Just tried out the latest version (r443) and I can now officially switch over from in_cube. Just a note, r443 supports kRAW files from Geometry Wars Galaxies. kRAW is not listed in the supported extensions, but it is in fact supported.

Thanks for all of your hard work on this hcs.
by marcusss at 1:00 PM EDT on September 27, 2008
Baldur's Gate DA 2 (ps2) uses .va1 and vat files so figured somehow they can be played back. I have added a couple of each in the zip here (20 MB) &

Burnout 2 uses .ivs format so wonder if can be supported someday.. Cant be easy and also people are busy of course :-)

Burnout 2 (ps2) (3MB) (.ivs files)
by manakoAT at 1:33 PM EDT on September 27, 2008
marcusss, BG DA2's .va1 and vat files are container files, i didn't ripped them all for now, but it should be a combination of vag's and mib's... if you know how to make a clean rip use the GENH Creator..

Burnout 2 has multichannel tracks, i'm not sure if they have a header, it's a long time ago were i ripped the game, i'll take a look at it! :o)

The "fe_menu.ivs" is the only exception iirc

Test File
Frequency: 48000
Channels: 2
Interleave: 16

edited 1:42 PM EDT September 27, 2008
by marcusss at 2:06 PM EDT on September 27, 2008
Ahh thats really cool.. Great work :P It has some pretty cool music in it and always b*tch to rip properly so glad it can be ripped :D

Thanks alot . Always appreciate it..

I never used it before.. genh.. but yeah I would rip them all if I could do it properly :) Will take a look at it

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