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by Ultrafighter at 9:25 AM EST on November 20, 2018
Well I'd not say that such formats should be added to plugin directly because they're sound-banks and can hold lots of unneeded stuff. For example ZSS bigfiles from MUA1 PC/X360 contained BGM, VO & ambience while ZSM files stored mostly SFX & stingers / jingles.
I believe that splitting such audio archives with some script (a BMS is required I guess) then playing resulting streams (with a TXTH probably) is the best solution.
Of course if dividing these *.zs* troublemakers proves to be difficult / impossible it'd be better to have original bigfiles playable than having nothing playable at all. For example RWS (banks) sometimes hold multiple tracks within a single file & there's no dedicated RWS splitter, we have to dump select tracks to PCM or re-encode them to lossy codecs. It's still better than nothing, right?

PS. It'd be very nice if some research of those ZSS / ZSM files was done & some rips were made for VGM archives.
For example towav.exe seems to be the only way to rip MUA1 for PC but it decodes ADPCM (?) to PCM WAV; EksBox-ABX can open & extract *.zs* bigfiles from MUA1 or X-Men Legends II for Xbox but the tool is quite buggy. Finally there's X-men - The official game which uses these formats on numerous platforms (and each time new codecs are utilized)...
by marcusss at 12:16 PM EST on November 20, 2018
Can someone take a look at this encrypted FSB5? It is from the game Chessaria which seems to have nice music. This file is taking me forever to decrypt. Thought I'd ask some FSB decrypting gods here?

Chessaria encrypted FSB5


edited 12:16 PM EST November 20, 2018
by bnnm at 4:43 PM EST on November 21, 2018
Use this bms to extract multiple FSB5 inside:
by marcusss at 6:59 PM EST on November 21, 2018
Thanks bnnm. It worked well. I got some of the other stuff ripped so perhaps later I can upload the set

I guess it was just not readable as the structure was slightly different compared with the standard FSB5 but yes it had a table at the beginning, I had trouble extracting files so thanks

edited 7:02 AM EST November 22, 2018
by nothingtosay at 7:41 AM EST on November 22, 2018
@bnnm: I can't say I've really encountered audible distortion as a result, but I haven't listened to much SCD format music at all. I was just looking at the Drakengard 3 boss themes, which tend to constantly hit max volume at the peaks of the waves, and thought how there's actually extra clipping because it's fixed point.

I'm not a programmer; I figured I'd point it out and if it would just be something trivial like editing the bit depth value in the the code to have vgmstream decode to 32-bit floating point then maybe someone would do it for the sake of technically proper behavior. But if it would be hard and isn't worth the time, then I certainly won't be heartbroken about it.

Just floating an idea of a possible alternative solution: maybe something like halving the volume before truncating the bit depth and perhaps outputting at 24 bits to compensate would be more easily achievable?
by bnnm at 7:53 PM EST on November 24, 2018
latest vgmstream changes (autobuilds (MSVC) / foobar / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add TXTH dual file/bigfile/subsong/multiplier handling
- Can loading a separate header_file or body_file for dual files
- Can load from .txth directly while setting header_file/body_file for bigfiles
- Can set value_multiplier for use with sector and similar values that must be multiplied
- Can set subsong_count and subsong_offset for subsong headers suboffset
- Add TXTH operations (value_*/+-) and field values, ignore -1 loop flag

TXTH stuff: see doc or this as an example.


About Smash sounding bad, it's known and will be improved later.

@nothingtosay - I agree it'd be good (also for ATRAC3/XMA/Vorbis/AAC/etc), but it's a lot to change. I don't think it's necessarily more 'proper' though, pretty sure most audio libraries/consoles will downconvert from 32b float to 16b pcm before outputting anything and you would still get clips.
by Artur_Warios at 8:41 AM EST on November 28, 2018

I want to ask a question about the next game:

Platform: GAMECUBE
Game: Resident evil 4
Audio file: BIO4SND

I have been busy with sound files of the .BIO4SND format for a long time.
These files were extracted with a man named "MarkGrass", I think this person is known here.

I do not know how to make these files work, because the VGMGUI program refuses to work with these files.
I couldn’t turn to Mark myself, therefore I ask for help here
by ChillyBilly at 11:50 PM EST on November 30, 2018
Been a while, but a new issue rose up for me: I checked out Cytus Lambda for the Vita, but its audio files (MP3s/WAVs) don't play for me. I'm not sure if they're encrypted, since they contain a "PSSE" header, so maybe this is a case for the TXTH treatment or something like that? Already got the audio uploaded right here:

Cytus Lambda
by Knurek at 4:23 AM EST on December 1, 2018
Those PSSE files are encrypted, ChillyBilly
I've managed to decrypt them, rip will be up on server in few hours

edited 6:27 AM EST December 1, 2018
by ChillyBilly at 9:00 AM EST on December 1, 2018
Wow, that was quick. Thanks, Knurek!

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