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by CampeonSteven at 12:36 AM EDT on April 14, 2018
Do you have a link to download this vst? (free please) i canĀ“t found a link of the addictive drums 1
by Hexagon12 at 10:21 AM EDT on April 14, 2018
I don't know if this website allows piracy / warez, so I will stay off from uploading the link.

Hint: rutracker or thepiratebay
by Enclave123 at 1:15 AM EDT on April 17, 2018
I recently find a synth bass that Masafumi Takada uses on his tracks for the silver case and Danganronpa.
It from the Roland SC8820 and SC88Pro and SC88 it known as Synth Bass 1.

I give you examples.
Electric guitar in Mario Kart 8 by CampeonSteven at 10:37 PM EDT on April 19, 2018
Well, i wanna know if the electric guitar used in mario kart 8 is a live vst played (because to much of them are) and if you know the name,

There is a example
by G-Boy at 8:26 AM EDT on April 20, 2018
That's also a live-recorded electric guitar, played by Takashi Masuzaki.
by MetalKnick at 6:49 PM EDT on April 30, 2018
Does anyone know where this guitar sample is from?

It's used all over this game if you need more examples.

Star Open - Mario Tennis Open
by Enclave123 at 11:22 AM EDT on May 10, 2018
I recently find a killer7 sample.

It from Emigrant Song.

It from Emu Phatt

It call Hit:Fall

Also another Sample.


edited 11:51 AM EDT May 10, 2018
Is this a real guitar by CampeonSteven at 11:10 PM EDT on May 10, 2018

In the Blue's theme sounda guitar, i want to know if is a real or vst guitar, and if it is a vst, wich vst would be.
by Benjamin at 6:47 AM EDT on May 11, 2018
Maybe East West Quantum Leap Ministry of Rock 2 or Vir2 Electri6ity? From what I hear those are pretty popular libraries, but I don't really know which games in general specifically used them.
by Benjamin at 8:46 PM EDT on May 12, 2018
Yep, it's Electri6ity, the guitar riff fx at the part with the string trills (Audiobro LA Scoring Strings) gives it away. I think the specific patch is Les Paul Amped.

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