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by bnnm at 10:46 AM EDT on July 15, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add .acb with internal .awb and names, fix some .awb
- Add HCA key
- Add .8 extension [Gungage (PS1)]
- Implement Traveller's Tales' RAD (by simontime)


@Ultrafighter - rename to .logg, also demuxer:

by Ultrafighter at 10:12 AM EDT on July 16, 2019
Thanks a lot Bnnm! Your solution for both BGMs & vids seems to be working although I haven't checked all the tracks yet.

And you've probably already guessed it: I've got a new batch of assorted samples & I'd be very grateful if you found some time for those.
They're SFX / VOs (headerless Wii ADPCM?) from Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (not super important but I'd really love to check them out to make sure I don't miss any extra jingles or even CS audio) + BGMs from Tony Hawk - Shred [Wii] (I tried 6 or 7 extensions but these streams simply don't play in neither XMPlay nor FB2k).
Another thing about streams from TH Shred is that ww2ogg024 reports truncated chunks when I attempt converting those, I'd say it might be bad rip / faulty ISO dump but could such an explanation truly work for each & every piece of audio used in the game?
BTW I can also obtain example files from TH Ride if you like: it's developed by the same studio + uses Wwise too.

Best wishes and thanks for all the help you've given me!
Convert to MP3? by Rew at 6:56 PM EDT on July 21, 2019
Hi, quick question--how do I convert a .lopus track (from vgmstream) to MP3? I tried to use the "convert" option in Foobar, but it asks me to locate LAME.exe on my computer. Well, I downloaded the latest version of LAME, but I can't find an .exe file in the folder.

Is there an easier way to convert to MP3?

EDIT: Never mind. I found a lame.exe file sitting in an old Audacity folder. Why an .exe wasn't included in the batch I downloaded today I have no idea, but for now problem solved.

edited 7:14 PM EDT July 21, 2019
by Ultrafighter at 11:43 AM EDT on July 22, 2019
Hi Bnnm, there's something more I have to tell you in regards to Downhill Jam SFX / VOs: those were unpacked from streamsn.hed + streamsn.wad with this tool.
Here's a cut of initial archive just in case (maybe we'll have to split the bank some other way to be able to play resulting tracks with a TXTH).

Goodbye & thanks in advance!
by hcs at 2:32 PM EDT on July 22, 2019
Rew, lame doesn't distribute compiled exes, you'd have to look elsewhere for those. I usually would go to RareWares.
by Y.W. Ahn at 1:13 AM EDT on July 23, 2019
Rew, have you installed Foobar2000 encoder pack? There's download link in Foobar2000 download page.
by bnnm at 4:39 PM EDT on July 25, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Fix .switch_audio and .sx extensions
- Add extensionless AIFC [Doom (3DO)]
- Add extensionless .dsp [Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (Wii)]
- Fix some Wwise .wav and tweak size checks [Tony Hawk: Shred (Wii)]
- Fix some .s14
- Fix FFmpeg formats that can't seek
- Add .smk Smacker video [Starcraft (PC)]
- Add multichannel Switch Opus
- enable dual file stereo for switch .adpcm (by bxaimc)


.smk demuxer:
by Ultrafighter at 7:33 AM EDT on July 26, 2019
Thanks a lot Bnnm, all 3 treats are really tasty - especially that demuxer script!
by ChillyBilly at 12:17 PM EDT on July 28, 2019
If anyone has time to look into them, I've got a couple Switch rips giving me issues:
Eagle Island and Skulls of the Shogun: Bone-A-Fide Edition. The former doesn't play for me at all, while the latter comes out all glitchy. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

by marcusss at 12:40 PM EDT on July 28, 2019
Hi ChillBilly: I just ripped Eagle Island for pc and it was xwb..and they used some weird sample rate like 33016 or something lol. Hope the switch version you are trying to rip is higher ;)

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