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by hcs at 7:53 PM EDT on August 17, 2019
@Puterboy1: Spiteful may not be the right word.

I'd recommend something more like:

"Thanks for The Great Escape, I've been looking forward to that!

Could someone take a look at [X]? Here's some details about why it is interesting, and what I've been able to find out so far about the format: ...


It's a good step that you say you appreciate the support for Great Escape. But you undermine that with "now why not we try something more difficult", which implies that the work which you benefit from, but don't contribute to, was easy. And at the same time, without saying thank you, you're already asking for more. It comes across as disrespectful.

There may be a language or cultural barrier here, if so I'm sorry we're all judging you so harshly. But you come across as impatient, disrespectful, and ungrateful. I hope that you aren't, and I hope that you can learn to get along a bit better, both in this forum and elsewhere.

I recommend reading over bnnm's advice again, if you didn't before. We're trying to explain to you why so many people here are offended by your way of posting requests, and how you can improve.

Here's my take on the topic. This is advice for anyone posting requests, and plenty of people do it badly besides you.


Consider that you're asking for someone to do work for you. You won't do it yourself, maybe because it would be too difficult to even learn how. But even for those with experience it's still work. If you value the result, you should show evidence of that.

1. Why are you even interested? Is the music great or unusual? Was it done by an interesting artist or studio? Is there an interesting technical problem involved? Maybe supporting the format would open up many other games?

If you're just checking off another game for your collection, though, there's no reason for anyone else to care.

2. Have you made attempts to find out how to play the file? What happened as a result? What technical background can you provide?

This can pique someone's interest, and can also save everyone else from trying the obvious things, but mostly it shows your investment.

3. Say "thank you", both when work is done (thanks for the work!) and at the end of a request (thanks for reading!). It's a little thing, but it's also very easy to do, and it means a lot both to the person who helped and to others who may be more likely to help you. "Please" is also helpful.

4. Try to learn and help out others when possible. We always need more experienced rippers and coders!


Thanks for reading this. I hope it's helpful to someone.

edited 7:54 PM EDT August 17, 2019
by Puterboy1 at 2:41 AM EDT on August 18, 2019
Thank you for everything so far. The reason I want the sounds for Dust is to see if we can finally crack or reverse-engineer the as of yet un-rippable DreamFactory engine that Cyberflix used for their games.

edited 2:47 AM EDT August 18, 2019

edited 2:47 AM EDT August 18, 2019
by hcs at 9:15 PM EDT on August 18, 2019
Thanks for the effort, good luck!
by Puterboy1 at 10:23 PM EDT on August 18, 2019
I’ll take that as a compliment.

By the way, if you want to know more about what one user discovered so far in the file archives of Titanic Adventure Out of Time, click here for his research:
by hcs at 11:54 PM EDT on August 18, 2019
Yep it was intended to be encouraging, sorry if it didn't come across that way
by Puterboy1 at 1:24 AM EDT on August 19, 2019
@hcs Is it possible to share this research with your fellow code-crackers and continue what Samuraid started?
by hcs at 3:50 AM EDT on August 19, 2019
Anyone I know is already reading this forum.
by Puterboy1 at 10:38 AM EDT on August 19, 2019
@hcs Good! That should peak some interest.
by punk7890-2 at 3:07 AM EDT on August 20, 2019
Got an ADX key to add:

Game: Gintama Gin-san to Issho! Boku no Kabukichou Nikki (PS2)

Key: 67 CD 5C A7 65 5F
Key (text): gt25809

test adx.
by Puterboy1 at 1:04 PM EDT on August 25, 2019
Could you look at some of the other level files from the Great Escape and make them playable? Only "levela" works:

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