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Gran Turismo 4 sound files by Puterboy1 at 6:58 PM EDT on August 28, 2019
Is there any way to make these files playable?:
by ChillyBilly at 1:07 AM EDT on August 29, 2019
As I've noted in the Switch thread, I've had some odd playback issues with the .opus files for the Grandia HD Collection. If this isn't a problem exclusive to my end, is it possible to get them to play properly? Thanks in advance for any help!
by bxaimc at 8:09 PM EDT on August 29, 2019
Fixed it when the game came out. Just gotta wait until kode pushes out a new release or build your own (or use the build from appveyor).

edited 8:15 PM EDT August 29, 2019
by bnnm at 3:13 PM EDT on September 2, 2019
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- fix opus sample rate for Grandia HD Collection (Switch) (by bxaimc)
- Add/fix some ADX keys
- Accept ADX keystring/keycode in .adxkey
- Improve .psf dynamic song generation
- Fix EA SCHl ATRAC3 crash
- Improve RIFF ATRAC3/plus decoding accuracy
- Tweak EALayer3 discard modes and EAAC header
- Improve raw ATRAC3 decoding accuracy and cleanup
- Fix some .vas
- Add Namco .nub archives
- Add Platinum ADPCM for .wem [Bayonetta 2 (Switch)]
Gran Turismo sounds for update by Puterboy1 at 6:20 PM EDT on September 2, 2019
Any chance you'll take a look at the Gran Turismo sound samples I have put up?
by CopperCanister at 2:13 AM EDT on September 3, 2019
Hi everyone, I'd really like some help with sounds for Monster Hunter G on PS2. I'm trying to make a sound mod for the latest PC game and I need some of the SFX that are in .snd & .snp files, which I understand is something you wouldn't normally do and why I'm a little reluctant to ask. However, I've seen others elsewhere claim these format are uncompressed .ogg files that aren't too complicated so I though the solution could be as simple as changing the file extension, but I've tried anything I can think of and can't manage to get a result. Would someone be willing to have a look, I'll understand if they're complicated but I thought it'd be worth a shot to ask. Thanks for reading

Monster Hunter G sound files
by Puterboy1 at 12:03 AM EDT on September 7, 2019
I would like to know if these files can be parsed with proper names in the VGMstream plugin for Foobar2000
by hcs at 12:19 AM EDT on September 7, 2019
Puterboy, give some context, please! If you posted a thread on Zenhax, at least link to to that. It's unlikely someone's just going to download your files and try to figure them out without a little explantation.

Remember, this is a community, not just a service you submit files to. Sell it!
by Puterboy1 at 4:44 AM EDT on September 7, 2019
Sell it? I am providing you with files that could benefit your pursuit in studying game audio files.
by punk7890-2 at 6:06 AM EDT on September 7, 2019
@CopperCanister Use Extracted sounds will likely need frequency adjustment.

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