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by hcs at 8:38 PM EST on December 9, 2019
Yeah unfortunately SendSpace has some really evil ads, here's the file.
Thanks! by threeblacknoises at 2:26 AM EST on December 10, 2019
Yeah it was something really bad.
I got rid of both instances of the threat, seeing as I downloaded the file twice before windows was kind enough to let me know a threat was detected.

edited 6:25 AM EST December 10, 2019
FEC - File Extension Confusion by XaikuTheMaverickHunter at 8:24 PM EST on January 3, 2020
I don't if you tried to address this before or if anyone brought it up, but apparently the latest version of the VGMStream plugin is doing something that's causing Winamp to think that .vgm (Game Gear/Master System) files are associated with it when they're not. Can you please explain why, or what I can do to circumvent that?
by kode54 at 9:06 PM EST on January 3, 2020
Well, what do you know, they are associated with it by default:

Too bad we can't just, like, tell the player to put our plugin at a lower priority like we can with most of the others we support.
by bnnm at 6:27 AM EST on January 4, 2020
latest vgmstream changes (web / releases (MSVC) / test+winamp+xmplay (GCC) / bug list)
- Add HCA keys
- Add Wwise OPUS [Girl Cafe Gun (Mobile)]
- Adjusted VAG full loops
- Fix some MP3 num_samples [Marc Ecko's Getting Up (PC)]
- Fix some .vsf sample rate (by AnonBaiter)
- Add .wav RIFF variation [Chrono Magia (Android)]
- Fix some .vsf issues
- Add XMA from UE3 [The Last Remnant (X360), Shadows of the Damned (X360)]
- Add non-stream CRI .csb [PES 2013 (PC), NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Wii)]
- Fix EA SWVR raw movies missing some samples
- Fix some Ubi HX [Rayman Arena (Xbox)]
- Add .fda Relic Codec AIFC [Homeworld 2 (PC)]
- Add .fda Relic Codec FDA [Warhammer 40000 (PC)]
- Fix some FSB5 looping jingles
- Fix HEVAG clip glitches


@XaikuTheMaverickHunter - vgmstream can't play Game Gear/Master System .vgm so those files would be ignored and shouldn't cause any issues.

If you want .vgm to be associated to another program you can change it in Windows's "default program" options, or remove .vgm in Winamp's "file types" options.
by Puterboy1 at 2:40 AM EST on January 5, 2020
What about these sound files from Red Dead Revolver (PS2):
by Kein at 6:05 AM EST on January 6, 2020

edited 8:26 AM EST January 6, 2020
by DrO at 2:57 PM EST on January 6, 2020
@bnnm: alas that won't help unchecking OS associations as it's a plug-in level conflict & it all depends on the order in which the winamp input plug-ins are loaded as to which one will be used if there's a conflict of extension (with in_vgm's usage of the extension pre-dating vgmstream's by quite a way).

however like kode54 points out (since we hit this issue with wacup a few months back), this is also a deficiency of winamp & how it doesn't deal with duplicate file extensions. winamp won't get fixed for that (there's no point trusting anything it's current owners say) but wacup will (for which it's current build of vgmstream which is a few months behind due to my release delays removes the .vgm conflict until the correct solution for this is implemented).

FF7R by Kein at 1:08 PM EST on January 8, 2020
Okay, I tested VGMstream on a bunch of FF7 Remake SABs and MABf containers and it seems like there are multiple issues. I dont know how format works but the output does not sound correct, like some instruments/soundfonts replaced and such and it produces different bgm with a similar motif.

Lmk how can I share a sample directly if you want to investigate.
by punk7890-2 at 9:04 PM EST on January 11, 2020
Got two adx keys to add:

Key: 61 C7 45 49 43 37 / ORN2HITMAN
Game: Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Nerae! Ring x Bongole Trainers (PS2)

Key: 53 81 52 E5 53 E9 / REBHITMAN
Game: Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Let's Ansatsu! Nerawareta 10-daime! (PS2)

edited 9:20 PM EST January 11, 2020

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