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by AnonRunzes at 3:10 PM EST on February 16, 2020

so i need help with some headerless PS-ADPCM/VAG file i'm having. all i'm going to explain is i'm having problems with defining loop values through a txth file when it comes to that one headerless file i'm having. here's a zipped file containing two files: a .vag file (i came up with the vag extension) and a .txth file.

edited 3:10 PM EST February 16, 2020
by AceK at 4:21 PM EST on February 16, 2020

Where is the loop information coming from?
by AnonRunzes at 5:08 PM EST on February 16, 2020
from the less obvious places you could ever find...
i just want someone to give me some right points when it comes to the txth i'm making...

edited 5:42 PM EST February 16, 2020
by AceK at 6:15 PM EST on February 16, 2020
I'll likely be limited to the response then.

1. Most rips I see usually have num_samples at the end of the document. In this case, it does not affect playback. Keep in mind that the order of placement for some txth arguments may have to be arranged a specific way. This is up to the user if they want to maintain that consistency.

2. num_samples and sometimes loop_end_sample can generally be typed as:

num_samples = data_size

(typo corrected on num_samples)

3. Verify that the frequency is truly 44100 (is this verified in a table?)

Final (unknown about sample rate or other data table comparisons without a source):

codec = PSX
sample_rate = 44100
channels = 2
interleave = 1024
loop_start_sample = 430080
loop_end_sample = 2972928
num_samples = data_size

edited 7:30 PM EST February 16, 2020
by AnonRunzes at 6:29 PM EST on February 16, 2020
>is this verified in a table?
no. instead the game in which i'm trying to make a BGM rip on has its executable define the sample rate for any headerless (as in truly headerless, no accompanying header file of any hind) sound files it might have.

as in, the sample rate value resides in a function stored within the executable. the loop values are also handled through an entirely separate function that resides within the executable. the interleave number is defined (again) through an entirely separate function.

at the very least, that final txth result works. i didn't really realize that num_samples wasn't really supposed to come before loop_start_samples and loop_end_samples, but AFTER these two or else the resulting txth file would just have the whole headerless file being played in its entirety without any additional info about it what-so-ever.

edited 6:48 PM EST February 16, 2020
by Ultrafighter at 5:39 AM EST on February 17, 2020
Hi Bnnm, any news about 3 buggy tracks from BMX XXX [Xbox]? I posted them @Discord but still, it wouldn't hurt to ask here I guess.

I just wanted to say that apart from that triad of streams my gamerip/streamed set is ready to be zipped & upped, I simply want to be sure that three tracks which remain unchecked aren't BGM or CS audio thus they might be excluded from my final package.

All the best!
by bnnm at 1:29 PM EST on February 18, 2020
Havent't checked yet, Syndicate are all bad extracts.
by Ultrafighter at 4:16 PM EST on February 18, 2020
Thanks for letting me know about that Syndicate bug, another attempt at extraction seems to fix entire problem.
by marcusss at 6:12 AM EST on February 19, 2020
Ahh yeah same goes for the XNB issues I was having with Little Savior, a custom ogg format. My foobar wont update anymore as I get authentication errors so have to update manually.. My foobar is FUBAR, haha "Could not check for updates: Network authentication error (80090326)" even though I have win 7 x64 up to date including TSL 1.0 1.1 1.2 enabled by default.. Foobar updated server to 1.2 or something.. Still doesn't work though

Anyway, was just curious about the fix for that might be up? thx

edited 6:14 AM EST February 19, 2020

edited 6:15 AM EST February 19, 2020
by Anterag at 11:14 AM EST on February 19, 2020
Hello Bnnm,

I'm trying to extract the archive (AUDIOSTM.AST) which holds the audio content for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 (Xbox 360 version).
There is a BMS script made by aluigi (here) which does the job on the other versions but not this one.
The reason why I want to extract the audio is that the music wil potentially have better quality than the one from the other versions.
Indeed, it's using the Electronic Arts 4-bit ADPCM v2 (44100Hz/Stereo) on PS2 and Xbox, while on PC it's MP3 128kbps. On Gamecube, it's the same codec as PS2 and Xbox but it's 22050Hz only.

Here is the whole archive plus the executable:

Thanks in advance.

edited 11:15 AM EST February 19, 2020

edited 11:19 AM EST February 19, 2020

edited 11:20 AM EST February 19, 2020

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