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by Kawaii-e at 10:02 AM EST on November 17, 2008
I uploaded you one here (opening).

Some more:
BGM 002, BGM 004, Boss, Ending, Lose, Win and Menu BGM.

edited 10:14 AM EST November 17, 2008
by hcs at 11:47 AM EST on November 17, 2008
That's pretty cool. I think from the patterns at the beginning and and end the relative positioning of the 0xff00 and 0x0001 entries in opening and ending (which both have runs of 0xbb and 0xdd, compare bgm002 which has a different pattern there and consequentially a longer repeating pattern for the opening and closing silence) it certainly does look like a prefix coding. Exactly how the tree is laid out I'll have to figure out (unless someone points it out, I'm not familiar with how these trees are typically stored as tables).

edited 11:54 AM EST November 17, 2008
by Kawaii-e at 4:47 AM EST on November 20, 2008
I can't help you there, I may comprehend some basic programming and encoding algorithms, but that's nowhere near enough to decode a Huffmann tree out of Hex.

There's a reason I aborted my studies.
by hcs at 2:27 PM EST on December 1, 2008
Gedankenschild, if you're still about, I tried to look into that bug you reported (Paper Mario 2 and Metroid Prime 2 file end distortion) but I can't tell if I'm reproducing it; there are no read errors and I'm not sure what distortion I should be looking for. If it's not too much trouble, do you think you could submit a bug report (the "Add new artifact" link) with precise steps for reproducing it (like what files)? That will at least keep it out in public until it gets solved, and hopefully will help me track it down better.
by Gedankenschild at 5:47 PM EST on December 2, 2008
Hey hcs,

Yes, I'm still here! I submitted the bug report as requested.
While going through the files again I thought I could record an example as well.
So I made a recording of one dsp with both in_cube and vgmstream and uploaded them - just in case...

by Dais! at 6:38 AM EST on December 6, 2008
maybe this has been covered, and if so I apologize, but is there any particular reason Winamp would fail to recognize vgmstream after it's been dumped in the plugins directory?
by manakoAT at 8:00 AM EST on December 6, 2008
--- needed files (for Windows) ---
Since Ogg Vorbis and MPEG audio are now supported, you will need to have
libvorbis.dll and libmpg123-0.dll.
I suggest getting libvorbis.dll here:
and the companion Intel math dll:
And libmpg123-0.dll from this archive:

Put libvorbis.dll, libmmd.dll, and libmpg123-0.dll somewhere Windows can find
them. For in_vgmstream this means in the directory with winamp.exe, or in a
system directory. For test.exe this means in the same directory as test.exe,
or in a system directory.
by Dais! at 3:09 PM EST on December 6, 2008
Ohhhhh, in the winamp folder proper. okay, now it works. Thanks.
by hcs at 4:38 PM EST on December 6, 2008
P.S. That was a direct quote from the readme.
by manakoAT at 12:14 AM EST on December 11, 2008
vgmstream r510

.emff added
.ss7 added
.wav+dcs added (Evil Twin [DC])
.smp added (Mushroom Men - The Spore Wars)
.vgs addded (some Guitar hero games)
some fixes in various formats...

don't remember all the other changes since the last version, but it covers now all old in_cube formats, except THP! :)

cU mana

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