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by Kirishima at 9:22 AM EDT on July 13, 2020
Silent Scope 2, ps2 version.
by Uikri at 10:42 AM EDT on July 23, 2020
I'm using vgmstream with Droidsound-e to play various times, including .bfstm files, and one thing that would really be great is if we could choose which channel(s) to play instead of having to listen to all of them at the same time. Specifically, Pikmin 3 and Splatoon 1 & 2 would benefit from this, as well as others, I'm sure.
by bnnm at 11:20 AM EDT on July 23, 2020
@Kirishima - I added a fix, get it from the latest build page here.

@Uikri - you should be be able to do that using "TXTP". Make a file named song.btstm#C1,2.txtp and open that to play only first 2 channels (see link for more info). For a global setting you'd need to ask Droidsound-e's author, which is a separate project.


Q TO DEVS: is anybody still using Visual Studio 2010 to build vgmstream and has a good reason for that? (if not, support may be dropped in the future)
by Uikri at 8:08 PM EDT on July 25, 2020
EDIT: I just figured out that doesn't work.

@bnnm - How do I make a file like that? Can I just make a .txt file and edit the file extension afterward so that it's a .txtp instead of a .txt?

edited 8:09 PM EDT July 25, 2020
by despycl at 12:05 AM EDT on July 26, 2020
Hello! I need a bit of help. I recently installed winamp and downloaded the vgmatream plugin for it. I moved it into the plugina folder as stated on the github instructions but now i want to play mini2sf files of ds gamea and the plugin doesnt recognize them (the file extension isnt even listed on the supported file types).

Is there something i'm missing?

Thanks in advance.
by hcs at 2:16 AM EDT on July 26, 2020
You need a different plugin for mini2sf, last I checked vio2sf was the best, but I don't think the Winamp version is as up to date as the Foobar2000 version. You can find the Winamp version here.
by despycl at 3:04 AM EDT on July 26, 2020
Grabbed the plugin and the player now recognizes the files metadata, but it still dont play any of the files. Is there an specific version of winamp i should install? or an specific vgmstream plugin?

Still unsure what i might be doing wrong :(
by hcs at 9:07 AM EDT on July 26, 2020
You have to extract all the files, the .mini2sf and the .2sflib, into the same directory, that might be your problem.
by MiToGen at 1:09 PM EDT on July 26, 2020
How does vgmstream playback SXD2 files? Sometime ago I ripped Gran Turismo Sport and someone submitted a tags archive, with each track having a .sxd1 file accompanying its .sxd2 file. A new version was dumped and more tracks have been found, but I'm trying to figure out how to play them.

The SXD2 files won't play by themselves, but the previous version rip with SXD1 files as well as SDX2 files plays the tracks. How do you go about making these SXD1 files? Or is there another way to playback the tracks? They're ATRAC9 if that matters.

edited 1:10 PM EDT July 26, 2020
by bnnm at 2:18 PM EDT on July 26, 2020
@Uikri - first create an empty .txt file. If you have mario.bfstm, rename the .txt (both name and extension) to mario.bfstm#C1,2.txtp. Now play that .txtp (not bfstm) with latest vgmstream.

If you want to play luigi.bfstm, make other file name, luigi.bfstm#C1,2.txtp, if you want channels 3 and 4 make other named luigi.bfstm#C3,4.txtp, and so on. Note its a "#C" before channels, not "#c".

That's the most basic way to do it, more info here:

@MiToGen - normally SXD1 are needed, maybe they are in other bigfile, or upload some examples.

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