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by isbndcaw at 2:24 AM EDT on May 30, 2023
these files are decrypted from edat
basara4 sameragi :

edited 5:59 AM EDT May 30, 2023
by Puterboy1 at 9:18 PM EDT on May 31, 2023
Yuo can also download the Project Milo samples here:
by bnnm at 9:13 AM EDT on June 2, 2023
@isbndcaw - I'll see if it can be added to vgmstream but meanwhile you can use this updated script:

Then you can extract .dlcp and .sspr with:


- rename all files from .wav to .lwav
- unzip this file in the same folder as all the .lwav
- make sure there is a file named .lwav.txth in the same folder as all the .lwav
- make sure you have vgmstream installed
- play .lwav files with vgmstream

edited 4:55 AM EDT June 3, 2023
by Puterboy1 at 10:43 AM EDT on June 2, 2023
I’ll give it a try. If it doesn’t work, make sure the next update supports those files.
by Puterboy1 at 5:39 PM EDT on June 2, 2023
It works!
by isbndcaw at 7:46 AM EDT on June 3, 2023
Congratulations,You did well to figure out sfh files。All sfh music files Correct operation

PS:ps3 with 129 bitrate at3plus and notgood,but i choose to reserve ps4 at9music

edited 11:19 AM EDT June 3, 2023
by Franpa at 5:55 PM EDT on June 4, 2023
Turns out 12 years ago I never figured out how to properly loop all of the Gradius III & IV music files.

I think I only looped the Gradius III music correctly and only because it was used in examples by others explaining the process to me (which I understood but I suck a lot at maths so the loop points I used were wrong for Gradius IV songs).

Are there properly looped copies on the server now or is it still the original MIB files? I imagine it's still the original MIB files.
by isbndcaw at 7:20 AM EDT on June 21, 2023


pc game 君がいた季節 by age-soft

oordump is used to realtime sound dumped oor files(vorbis stream)from game 君がいた季節。

Can vgmstream read oor files(vorbis stream) in future?

edited 8:12 AM EDT June 21, 2023
by bnnm at 6:45 PM EDT on June 26, 2023
I think it's possible to add it but looks rather complex.

Can you post oor files from other games?
by isbndcaw at 8:05 AM EDT on June 28, 2023
ok,I will try

(oor files link)君が望む永遠 Windows10対応合集(20thBOX Edition):

muvluv game oor pack:

edited 2:14 AM EDT June 29, 2023

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