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by bnnm at 7:46 AM EDT on July 8, 2023
@isbndcaw - overall I think it can be added but it'll take a while since it's rather complex.
by isbndcaw at 1:30 AM EDT on July 10, 2023
Dear bnnm
What exciting good news!!!
I may take a while to find more rugp engine games.

edited 1:33 AM EDT July 10, 2023
by isbndcaw at 5:38 AM EDT on July 14, 2023


(oor )ぴこぴこ ~恋する気持の眠る場所~

(oor)Muv-Luv photonflowers on steam

all here

edited 8:17 AM EDT July 14, 2023
by bnnm at 4:56 PM EDT on July 26, 2023
new vgmstream version (releases / builds / alt (GCC) / bugs)

See releases for the changelog.
by marcusss at 9:55 AM EDT on July 29, 2023
Thanks for the update bnnm!!
by isbndcaw at 1:53 AM EDT on August 4, 2023
Thanks for the update bnnm!!!
Header documentation by Avilla831 at 5:03 PM EDT on September 12, 2023
Hi @Nicknine did you ever create any documentation around the header structures? I’ve been digging into audio files from NCAA 14 and have seem some of the patterns you’ve noted here. I haven’t been able to make enough sense out of the headers to dig in further but I did find the group or SNR files that go with the sbs audio banks. Any info you could provide would be appreciated, I can also post the files if you’re interested. Thanks!
Header documentation by Avilla831 at 5:04 PM EDT on September 12, 2023
Hi @Nicknine did you ever create any documentation around the header structures? I’ve been digging into audio files from NCAA 14 and have seem some of the patterns you’ve noted here. I haven’t been able to make enough sense out of the headers to dig in further but I did find the group or SNR files that go with the sbs audio banks. Any info you could provide would be appreciated, I can also post the files if you’re interested. Thanks!
Prince of Persia PS2 by Locke_gb7 at 2:43 PM EST on January 8, 2024
I have been trying every possible way to get the music from all the 3 prince of persia on PS2 using many programs vgmsrteam psouund, quickBMS, i just managed to get a single song out, what am I missing?
by almendaz at 2:16 PM EST on January 9, 2024
You're missing proper examination of files.
Examining header part, mostly.

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