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by hcs at 3:57 AM EDT on March 10, 2008
Yes, otherwise it interprets the space as separating two arguments.
"It" being your shell, iirc (or is it the C runtime?), the test program doesn't do the parsing of the command line into arguments.

edited 4:00 AM EDT March 10, 2008
by hcs at 10:46 PM EDT on March 10, 2008
New pseudo-release of vgmstream up, now includes a Winamp plugin.
Please test it to death.

edited 10:48 PM EDT March 10, 2008
by Franpa at 11:22 PM EDT on March 10, 2008
must we remove in_cube or in_usf from winamp?

i noticed you no longer gotta wait a few seconds before switching tracks =) now you can switch instantly.

edited 11:34 PM EDT March 10, 2008
by marioman at 11:48 PM EDT on March 10, 2008
.dsps, .kRAWs and .gcms do not work. (I assume that they are not implemented yet.) Additionally, the Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz .brstms do not work, but the Wii Play ones do That's all that I see at the moment. I'll do more thorough testing later.

edited 11:50 PM EDT March 10, 2008
by hcs at 1:47 AM EDT on March 11, 2008
Right you are, .brstms over 32khz were broken. Fixed that bug in a few other places as well, r49 is now up.
And you're correct that the others simply aren't supported yet, a list of supported formats is in the readme.txt.

edited 1:48 AM EDT March 11, 2008

You should remove in_cube while testing in_vgmstream, because they support some of the same formats. in_usf, however, is not related at all.

edited 1:55 AM EDT March 11, 2008
by javispedro at 2:21 PM EDT on March 11, 2008
I've been looking at making a gstreamer element from vgmstream but it seems a bit difficult.
vgmstream reads from files, but gstreamer likes "streams" (some other one reads the file). I think a element that both reads the file and outputs wav could be done, but I don't think rhythmbox (playbin) would like that.

Any gstreamer expert would like to do a plugin? :)
by marioman at 4:54 PM EDT on March 11, 2008
Sounds good. No problems that I can find. Good job.
by Peppyman at 5:11 PM EDT on March 11, 2008
It plays some of the wii play files, but far from all of them.
by hcs at 9:11 PM EDT on March 11, 2008
@Peppyman: The wii play files that don't play have > 2 channels (typically 6). These need to be split out by a tool I haven't written yet.

@javispedro: vgmstream does all file access through the functions in streamfile.c, this was abstracted away precisely so that it could be replaced as needed. So feel free to replace it with something more appropriate for gstreamer.
The buffer argument when opening streams is advisory and you could ignore it if you don't have an obvious way to set the buffer size.

@whoever first used this format here: thanks, it's handy

edited 9:12 PM EDT March 11, 2008
by Franpa at 6:36 AM EDT on March 14, 2008
Release 49 winamp plugin still calls it self release 45 in winamp.

and there is a difference between the 2 (the 49 release supports more formats, EG: Zelda Wind Waker.)

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