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by DjKnuX at 5:15 PM EDT on April 15, 2008
Thanks HCS!^^
I converted the Files to Waves (with Test.exe) and tried to open it. WMP will shutting down. The VLC Media Player only play the first 2 Channels and I searched a solution to extract the other channels. I finally used Adobe Audition 2.0 to split the Tracks (Waves) and mix them into a final Song that looped twice with every Version theTrack has.
When somebody want my Versions of the Songs, (Mp3 at 192 K´Bits) I can upload it.^^
But I think I done a big mistake because I switched the Audio-Channels. (L=R and R=L)
But I don´t know at the Moment. ;)

Greetz and Thanks
by marcusss at 7:50 PM EDT on April 15, 2008
Thanks for that HCS :) Will try out that version :P
by Omochao at 8:44 PM EDT on April 15, 2008
Just wanted to say how grateful I am, and sorry about those annoying trolls! I certaintly wasn't trying to bait them.
by marioman at 9:50 PM EDT on April 15, 2008
>> Google "C tutorials"

It is funny how you can just look up C tutorials and magically understand DSP isn't it?

edited 9:50 PM EDT April 15, 2008
by hcs at 9:58 PM EDT on April 15, 2008
For whatever it's worth, it wasn't a substantial change. Hopefully that speaks to the quality of the vgmstream design. Still not sure what the issue is with looping, though.

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