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by hcs at 9:39 AM EST on January 11, 2009
Hey, an update for anyone who was wondering about the _HUFF.bin files from Space Invaders Get Even, it turns out it is the same 8 bit Huffman coding used on the GBA (called Huf8, to go along with LZ77). Though there are utilities around for it, I went ahead and wrote my own (puff8 on the ol' in_cube page). The files happen to be ADX.
For anyone interested all the files I was able to find are here, including that from the DLC. In the executable there are references to two other files, selectbgm_24k_HUFF.bin and staffroll_24k_HUFF.bin. As those are sort of extras, I can only assume they cut them due to space issues. Then again maybe they're in the Japanese release that I haven't been able to get a hold of.

edited 10:03 AM EST January 11, 2009
by hcs at 1:40 AM EST on January 17, 2009
bxaimc spotted a bug, aix support was broken. vgmstream r562 should fix that.
by Elven Spellmaker at 2:19 PM EST on January 20, 2009
Does VGMStream support *.aw files in Mario Kart DD? They don't work for me. I'm assuming that as they are not in the readme, they are not supported...
by hcs at 6:18 PM EST on January 20, 2009
No, they are sample banks.
by Elven Spellmaker at 8:00 PM EST on January 20, 2009
May I inquire as to what the banks are for?

For the sequences located in JaiSeqs.arc?

Its a small file 21kb, to contain some sequences (Unless they are all small length.)
by hcs at 9:53 PM EST on January 20, 2009
There's an awful lot of sound effects and instrument samples in them. Take a look over at the ripping tools page for wwdumpsnd if you want to check them out, I think it should work for MK:DD.
I assume that sequences are in JaiSeqs.arc but I've never looked into it. Since Double Dash doesn't have much sequenced music does the small size surprise you?

edited 9:59 PM EST January 20, 2009
by Elven Spellmaker at 1:54 PM EST on January 21, 2009
I tried using it but nothing happened. I had all the files in the same folder and dragged the *.aw files onto the exe... Am I doing it wrong, or is DD not supported by this convertor?

Yeah, thats 20 1kb sequences... I suppose there isn't many in DD though.
by hcs at 2:01 PM EST on January 21, 2009
If you're dragging stuff onto any of my programs you're doing it wrong.
"To use, all the .aw files from /Audiores/Banks and JaiInit.aaf from /Audiores must be in the current directory when wwdumpsnd is run."
You'll probably want to run it from the command line.

edited 2:05 PM EST January 21, 2009
by Elven Spellmaker at 8:03 PM EST on January 21, 2009
Ahh there might be the problem, I don't have a file called Jailnit.aaf, or any *.aaf file. And there is no Banks folder either.

The structure is as follows:

AudioRes --> GCKart.baa, GCKart.bsft, GCKart.bstn, GCKart.daa and GCKartPAL.bsft

AudioRes/Streams --> Etc...

AudioRes/Waves --> *.aw files

AudioRes/Seqs --> JaiSeqs.arc


Its not crucial that I extract these, I'm just interested to see whats there. =)
by hcs at 8:09 PM EST on January 21, 2009
In that case it sounds more like Twilight Princess. I did some extraction tools for that, too, take a look here.

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