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by Elven Spellmaker at 3:15 PM EST on January 22, 2009
I thought I posted this, but maybe I imagined clicking "Submit".

Thanks hcs, the first three conversions worked.

But the bst.exe did not work on the bsts and the bstns.

bst.exe always produces "arg!, no matter what parameters are inputted through the command line.

Whether its a valid file, an invalid file, no file or even a file that doesn't exist.

Any help on that one would be great! ;-)
by hcs at 4:19 PM EST on January 22, 2009
From the readme:
"bst can then list the filesystem from these two (they must be given on the command line)"
You need to give it both the bst and the bstn. It only prints the directory structure, anyway.

edited 4:24 PM EST January 22, 2009
hcs by -FDM64- at 12:53 AM EST on January 23, 2009
readme's are for hcs's
by Elven Spellmaker at 7:23 AM EST on January 23, 2009
I read the readmes... But I must have passed out (or somthing bizarre) while it happened because I missed it lol. -.-

Its not even a long readme... =/

Yeah it throws up an error, but if it only shows directory structure then I guess it doesn't matter.

But, some of the *.aw files were not used by the convertors. I am assuming that they also contain sounds, probably more of Mario's voice, which I would like for the lolz. Because there are no *.wsys to extract them, does this mean they are unobtainable?
by :-) at 11:00 PM EST on January 23, 2009
How can I get the ISH/ISD files from Pokémon XD to play properly in vgmstream? Currently they basically play as mono with distortion in the right speaker.

edited 11:05 PM EST January 23, 2009
by manakoAT at 5:51 AM EST on January 24, 2009
If we can't take a look at a file, we can't help!

so, go go go and upload examples!! :o)

cU mana

edited 5:54 AM EST January 24, 2009
by fridgey at 6:35 AM EST on January 24, 2009
You just rename all the .### files to .isd, I believe... sound fine on my system.
by hcs at 7:19 AM EST on January 24, 2009
fridgey, do you by any chance still have in_cube installed? The current vgmstream won't work with this set, as it doesn't handle the extensions correctly. in_cube just looks for the header and then actually searches (using the OS findfile) for the other file.
If you rename the .001 to .isd and .dsp to .ish it should work.

edited 7:23 AM EST January 24, 2009
by fridgey at 7:36 AM EST on January 24, 2009
Nope, just vgmstream... I'd done that second part too apparently. Don't have the un-modified files anymore, was just saying that from memory.
by :-) at 7:18 PM EST on January 27, 2009
As I already said, I have them in ISH/ISD format. They wouldn't play at all otherwise.

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