Hi guys. Is there any documentation on quality or performamce vs other formats or even previous versions such as at3 etc.. ?
Listening to Crypt of he Necromancer e.g., from my ears some songs sound different..well perhaps atrac9 versions offer more bass than the vorbis. It is very subjective so yeah would like to read up some more. Pretty hard to find much info online.
Velocity series sound great in atrac9 format Cheer
Yeah that is probably correct but was curious which people say is better like vorbis rip vs atrac9 rip of the same game. So far i feel atrac9 is better..but like you said they.were probably mastered separately at a different time to pc counterparts etc.
Yeah Dancer. Sorry. Yeah I ripped the PC version with DLC which had latest updates but will try to grab the updated vita version as well as current rip doesn't have the dlc.
Anyway thanks or your replies kode54 and your coding work.
Thanks Knurek. I had a copy of v233 but yeah no dlc was inside.. Hopefully the PS4 version has it otherwise the PC is the only version I guess..Just figured for completeness sake other versions will be good...for all games ;-)