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- re by nensondubois at 8:09 PM EDT on May 11, 2007
- I tried a prgoram from called nes2nsf.exe
What a joke. This must be a novelty item or something. I
put Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles demo.nes in it and there is no sound on notsofats or meridian advance.
I hear no sound. Is this supposed to happen?
- re by nensondubois at 8:09 PM EDT on May 11, 2007
- Sorry for double posting but winamp plugins seem to be better than stand alone nsf players.
edited 8:11 PM EDT May 11, 2007
- by Mouser X at 12:52 PM EDT on May 12, 2007
- Wow. Something must have been *REALLY* wrong last time I used NEZplug. It seems to be working now though. I may have to look into making some M3U files. After all these years, I *finally* understand how they're built (as DrO said, calling it an extended M3U was confusing, since that's what I was attempting to do). One for Zelda and FF Adventures would be nice... Note that #69 in Zelda:LA displays the bug that almost all GBS players have. Meridian's GBS plugin, and the GME (Blargg's stuff) don't seem to reproduce that noise, whereas almost every other GBS player I've tried does...
If someone is working on porting GME to a Winamp plugin (as was mentioned earlier in the thread), then please try to implement the M3U stuff. It'd be appreciated. Mouser X out.
- by Lunar at 8:06 PM EDT on May 12, 2007
- Listening to Tilt 'n Tumble, I can say with some degree of certainty that it's not Ando or Ishikawa. If anyone cares! 'Cept the covers of course...
Damn shame about Star Stacker! I hope you eventually manage to suss it out ugetab (or any else who cares to have a bite.)
EDIT: oh, and another thing. Star Stacker starts at track 16 when I first open it.
edited 8:08 PM EDT May 12, 2007
- by ugetab at 9:51 PM EDT on May 12, 2007
- I don't refine non-working GBS files much. Track 16 is simply the best one I had for comparison purposes.
I've been stepping through and comparing code from the GBS and the game for several hours over a couple days trying to isolate code that wrote to bytes...about 0x80 past where I was inspecting in memory. It required me to add one more bank of code to the GBS, but it sounds like it works. Unfortunately, it's hard to determine what data in memory performs what function, but thanks to the amount of blind debugging I did, I have an idea about how some channels are halted in a GBS now. FF12/FF17/FF1C/FF21 writes seem to control when tones end, which I hope to eventually be able to use to fix some GBSs that have tones that never quit in some players. I'd also like to note that I have been working on getting this GBS to work on and off for quite a while, and the request is the only thing that stirred my third or fourth concerted effort to get the thing ripped. I happen to like HAL and Kirby music too.
If you want to provide an order for the tracks, you can do so by putting the song numbers in the order you want them to be. If you're content to browse in the order provided, that works too.
- by marioman at 10:14 PM EDT on May 12, 2007
- Awesome! Thanks for fixing the Star Stacker set ugetab. It sounds great!
I hope that the information that you found out about this GBS will help you with fixing other ones. Now, off to listen to the GBS...
- by Mouser X at 2:38 AM EDT on May 13, 2007
- In regards to GBS files, CaitSith2 has made an auto-timer for GSFs and SPCs. He talked about NSFs and GBSs, but I don't know where he got on those. I'm only bringing this up because having an auto-timer would be *very* helpful in adding times to GBS files... Also, a "shadow" feature (like what NotsoFatso does) would be nice. It'd make it easier to split up the GBS songs into separate tracks.
For those who are interested though, you can find the SPC auto-timer here and the GSF auto-timer is here. This also works on GBS2GSF sets, so there's one way to time GBS sets. Check ugetab's site for a tool that can make GBS2GSF sets easily, if that's something you're interested in.
Anyway, the auto-timers are both open-source, so take a look, and see if you can figure out any other formats to adapt the auto-timer code to. Just a thought, of course. Mouser X out.
edited 2:50 AM EDT May 13, 2007
- by Knurek at 4:26 AM EDT on May 13, 2007
- Problem is, last time I've checked, the GSF auto timer only outputted one loop (ie something we wouldn't really want).
SPC one is a godsend tho. :)
- by Lunar at 9:32 AM EDT on May 13, 2007
- Hm, is the Star Stacker rip considered "fixed" now? Because it still sounds funky on my end - some of the sounds aren't correct, tracks are still slow for me too... though I think that's due the my Winamp plugin (Meridian) because the .gb file had tracks at the right tempo in KiGB.
Here's a rip of it I downloaded a while back. Compare and contrast, if you like. Some of the sounds in it are pretty nuts, and I don't hear those in the GBS rip... gets me thinking on whether these mp3s are even recorded from a GameBoy (I'm not very familiar with the GB's sound capabilities, but I've not heard soundtracks take GB sound this far.)
- by blm07 at 9:59 AM EDT on May 13, 2007
- I get some weird error when I try to run the spc timer: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
I was also wondering if the auto timers are really accurate? Does it really find the true exact looping point?
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