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by Mouser X at 5:10 PM EDT on April 30, 2010
I was attempting to convert some VGM streamed rips to ADX/OGG, when VGMstream kept getting hung up on some of the files. I checked it, and it turns out that for whatever reason, VGMstream is no longer able to play back the STRM files from the Wii versions of MySims, and MySims: Kingdom (and likely other EA MySims titles). I loaded various revisions until I found that r733 works, while r735 does not. So, apparently something broke/got changed between r733 and r735, and has remained broken since.

[EDIT] I got on chat and bxaimc said that, basically, support for the Wii STRM format (that is, the stuff used by the MySims games) was disabled. It'd be really nice if this could be looked into. Bxaimc gave me a "current" build that works, but I would expect that it has the same problem(s) that resulted in disabling the support in the first place. I was going to upload some samples, but I don't have access to them right now.

Anyway, I would appreciate it if this could be looked into. Hopefully my narrowing down the working/non-working revisions has helped. Mouser X over and out.

edited 8:19 PM EDT April 30, 2010
SMV by CapComMDb at 12:26 AM EDT on May 1, 2010
Happy happy, Cho Aniki Zero is on the tracker. :P Sadly, it's in SMV format, which vgmstream doesn't seem to support yet - couldn't find any players either. Anyway, just wondering if there were other players that support it yet or if there was something in the works for vgmstream. Because you know how much we love Koji Hayama :P Wasn't sure if this best fit here or the xsf forum...

edited 12:27 AM EDT May 1, 2010
by valiant at 1:22 PM EDT on May 1, 2010
Anyone else got this problem? Starting from revision 763, vgmstream doesn't show up in Winamp's plug-in menu anymore and no files can be played back. Revision 755 is still okay.
by Mouser X at 1:38 PM EDT on May 1, 2010
It works fine for me (aside from the fact that the MySims Wii STRM isn't played back properly). Have you checked the readme recently? A new DLL was added, to support a WiiWare title. And coincidentally, support for this new format/DLL was added right around r755. In other words, it sounds to me like you're missing a, now required, DLL. Those external DLLs can be grabbed from here. If that doesn't fix your problem (I strongly suspect it will), then you're going to need someone else's help. Mouser X over and out.
by valiant at 3:47 PM EDT on May 1, 2010
Indeed! Had two of the DLLs in the Winamp folder already, but after adding the third, everything works just fine again. Thanks, Mouser! :)

EDIT: And a request, could the loop starts and loop ends of tracks be displayed in minutes and seconds (e.g. 3:13.3382 instead of 193.3382) for future releases? I use it mostly for jumping to the loop points and checking if there are any clicks, and you always have to do some calculating first. So I think limiting the seconds display to stream total samples (or dropping it altogether) would be better.

edited 7:23 PM EDT May 1, 2010
by FireDivine at 5:35 PM EDT on May 3, 2010
So truly no one has thought of ripping Estpolis: The Lands Cursed by the Gods, for DS?

I figured someone here or out there would like the Lufia series to do so. Maybe there is one but it's not released until a US version? I've been looking for a 2sf though but no luck so far.
by hcs at 6:31 PM EDT on May 3, 2010
FD: this is the wrong thread for 2sf discussion.
by arbingordon at 12:54 PM EDT on May 4, 2010
EDIT: And a request, could the loop starts and loop ends of tracks be displayed in minutes and seconds (e.g. 3:13.3382 instead of 193.3382) for future releases? I use it mostly for jumping to the loop points and checking if there are any clicks, and you always have to do some calculating first. So I think limiting the seconds display to stream total samples (or dropping it altogether) would be better.
Some sets/stream types are displayed in minutes:seconds.milleseconds, some give you the time in seconds, some just the number of samples, it just depends on the type.
They could all be changed to m:ss.sss, pretty easily actually (I think).
Perusing the source code, I think that most of that informational output is found in here in the void describe_vgmstream(VGMSTREAM * vgmstream, char * desc, int length)

edited 1:13 PM EDT May 4, 2010
by hcs at 2:04 PM EDT on May 4, 2010
That's where the time is formatted, yes, but it's all done with the %.4lf format, which just gives the 4 digit precision. I don't think there's any code in vgmstream right now.
by arbingordon at 2:11 PM EDT on May 4, 2010
edit: nevermind, those were caps of in_cube

edited 2:29 PM EDT May 4, 2010

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