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by bxaimc at 12:16 AM EDT on July 13, 2009
Doesn't Guitar Hero: World Tour contain .xen files for audio? Yes, this think sucks with deinterleaving multichannel streams (i.e Ace Combat 6). I tried FSB and it works fine if the streams within are all the same size and not as a bank.
by Powerless at 8:25 AM EDT on July 13, 2009
The .XEN (FSB.XEN) extension in Guitar Hero: World Tour is just bogus, they're normal encrypted FSB files (with multichannel XMA files inside). The multichannel files are extractable from the decrypted files with FSBEXT, but the multichannel files don't work with ToWAV.

edited 8:26 AM EDT July 13, 2009
by bxaimc at 2:53 PM EDT on July 13, 2009
Hmm, I see what you mean.
XWB extraction? by hufman at 3:40 PM EDT on September 25, 2009
What tools do you recommend for extracting XWB files? The only tool that I could find to extract these Kameo files that I just extracted is toWave, but I want to keep looppoints.
unxwb is terribly old, and very hard to find, and it can't figure out what type of codec is used, and so it extracts to plain dat files.
What other tools do you use?
by Mouser X at 5:08 PM EDT on September 25, 2009
As this thread says, use toWave. I don't know about extraction, but my understanding was that toWave worked on Kameo just fine. However, since toWave is currently the only PC tool that can decode XMA, and it decodes to WAV, you're out of luck on the loop points. As it is right now, there's no way to preserve those. Mouser X over and out.
by hufman at 8:45 PM EDT on September 25, 2009
Yes, I discovered toWave from this forum, and it converts Kameo's soundtrack beautifully. However, I would like to extract the files out of the XWB files, without converting them, to be ready for when vgmstream can play them.
So, what tools do you guys prefer for merely extracting?
by bxaimc at 10:23 PM EDT on September 25, 2009
Unxwb or Eksz-Box. The thing is.....headerless xma files are outputed.
XMA header by OrangeC at 10:36 PM EDT on September 25, 2009

Here is a full working xma header.
by Peppyman at 11:40 AM EDT on October 3, 2009
Can someone upload the viva pinata trouble in paradise music if they have the time?
by bcass at 10:00 PM EDT on October 3, 2009
The Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT) 3.0 can be used to create XMA Wave Banks and Sound Banks. This application comes with Microsoft Game Studio 3.1. This could be used to recreate loop points while maintaining the original format (dump XWBs then recompile with loop information in an XACT project file).

edited 10:06 PM EDT October 3, 2009

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