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by Knurek at 3:59 AM EST on February 19, 2013
I have a new CRI ADX key:

byte value for encryption: 0x08

-s 54d1 -m 526d -a 5e8b

Game it's used in is Ishin Renka: Ryouma Gaiden (2010-11-25)(-)(D3 Publisher)[PSP]

Confirmed working with degod

Could someone with SVN access update VGMStream with that info? :)


Found another one,

-s 4d06 -m 663b -a 7d09

Game: Lucky Star - Ryouou Gakuen Outousai Portable (2010-12-22)(-)(Kadokawa Shoten)[PSP]

edited 9:09 AM EST February 19, 2013
by Knurek at 4:20 AM EST on February 20, 2013
hcs, seems you just put the source on site, not the compiled package.
What do I need to build, minGW? Cygwin? MSVC?
by Knurek at 9:35 AM EST on February 20, 2013
Sorry it it's annoying, but I found other unique keys, seems that almost every PSP game using union SDK from CRI had a new one:

-s 40a9 -m 46b1 -a 62ad

Marriage Royale - Prism Story (2010-04-28)(-)(ASCII Media Works)[PSP]

-s 4601 -m 671f -a 455

Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu - Doujinshi Hajime Mashita (2010-10-28)(-)(ASCII Media Works)[PSP]

edited 9:40 AM EST February 20, 2013
by hcs at 10:21 AM EST on February 20, 2013
This is the least irritating kind of change to make, so no worries. I'm just glad they haven't decided to do a different key per track yet.

Sorry about uploading the source instead of the bin, r1009 should be ok.

minGW is the best choice for compiling but I don't have much practice in setting it up.
by Knurek at 8:06 AM EST on February 25, 2013
One more key:

Slotter Mania P - Mach Go Go Go III (2011-01-06)(-)(Dorart)[PSP]

-s 41ef -m 463d -a 5507
by Knurek at 11:58 AM EST on March 8, 2013
Could someone take a look at adding MSF with PS ADPCM?

I've uploaded some examples here

Should be quite easy to add meta for them. Let me know if you'd need more examples.
by bxaimc at 1:15 AM EST on March 9, 2013
Already there, for about 2 1/2 years :)

Revision: 854
Author: manakoAT
Date: 3:00:21 PM, Friday, September 17, 2010
add psx coding to msf
Modified : /src/meta/ps3_msf.c

by Knurek at 1:45 AM EST on March 9, 2013
What the heck, I could've sworn they didn't play when I first tried them (a few weeks ago). O_O

Thanks, either way. :) Mana is the best.
by nothingtosay at 3:05 PM EDT on March 13, 2013
Should Afrika be playable with vgmstream? The files are recognized, track times displayed, but it only produces static.
by Knurek at 9:52 AM EDT on March 14, 2013
You guys, you guys, check this out:

Final Fantasy VII Steam EULA

Search for vgmstream. :)

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