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by hcs at 11:50 PM EDT on March 14, 2013
Ha, wicked awesome.
by Mouser X at 12:32 PM EDT on March 15, 2013
I was thinking something similar, except that they never really received permission to use VGMstream in the first place.... Or, at the least they never asked.... Still, it's nice that they at least showed some effort.... I wonder if others will notice or care. Meaning, I wonder if VGMstream will be used in other "projects" from other people, fans, or developers.

Anyway, yes, that was definitely worth a laugh. I liked that HCS was the only one actually named. Mouser X over and out.
by Knurek at 12:41 PM EDT on March 15, 2013
manakoAT and FastElbja are mentioned there as well - I don't believe the version they used had other contributors.

And I don't think they need to ask author's permission as long as they don't break the software license.
by nothingtosay at 2:52 PM EDT on March 15, 2013
I just think it's pretty sweet that they know about it, but don't try to bust this community for distributing their copyrighted work. You gonna put this on your resume, hcs? You can say you've done programming for Square Enix! :D
by Hotcakes at 5:13 PM EDT on March 15, 2013
What about FF VII needed to use vgmstream? It's all oggs and midis.
by Knurek at 5:18 PM EDT on March 15, 2013
logg support, I guess.
by hcs at 5:41 PM EDT on March 15, 2013
Yep, afaict just for looping ogg, which is easy to code when you have libvorbis. I think they're in the clear legally that the license is shown.

They did botch the copy-paste job, though, the ISC has nothing to do with vgmstream beyond the text of the license. Oh well.
by TylerFG at 6:19 PM EDT on March 15, 2013
Has anybody ever worked on the HWAS file format? This is what the song files (Containing the instruments that aren't Guitar or Bass) in the Guitar Hero: On Tour games are decoded as. There are rips that are leaked that recorded the songfile from the speaker in the game, and these don't sound good, and most attemps I've made to decode HWAS files have failed. Anybody tried to decode the HWAS file format? Thanks in advance.
by Knurek at 7:22 PM EDT on March 15, 2013
The DS version (used in Tony Hawk's games) is decoded (with some volume glitches here and there), so it might be possible. Upload some samples for people to look at. :)
by TylerFG at 7:33 PM EDT on March 15, 2013

Here's one of the rips I took. The Guitar/bass tracks are oggs, while the Song file is HWAS.

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