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- by peronmls at 1:31 AM EDT on September 2, 2015
- @Enclave123
Could you link me to that marimba from the Roland JV2080? Can't find it on synthmania or YouTube.
- by Master_E at 7:41 AM EDT on September 2, 2015
- @peronmls
The SNR makes it sound sharper in the source, but it wouldn't be far fetched to say that it was likely the source.
- by Enclave123 at 9:07 AM EDT on September 2, 2015
- Well, there no GM recordings of the jv2080 sadly.
But there is a full GM demo of the 1080.
- by Enclave123 at 9:10 AM EDT on September 2, 2015
- by peronmls at 11:12 AM EDT on September 2, 2015
- Okay Cool. I hear a lot of MegaMan Legends sounds in there so there's that.
- by Jasper at 11:23 PM EDT on September 2, 2015
- does anybody know the source of this sound effect? I've heard it in so many game soundtracks.
- by midiman at 2:50 AM EDT on September 3, 2015
- @Jasper
Those yoooh sounds came from the SC-88's asia kit. I just sampled the entire ASIA and ETHNIC kit from the SC-8820 which also contains the same samples. SC-8820 Asia

A friend of mine sampled some more Asia kit samples from his INTEGRA-7 which contains extra samples from the Roland SR-JV80-14 Asia expansion board. INTEGRA-7 Asia
edited 8:12 AM EDT September 3, 2015
- by punk7890-2 at 9:09 AM EDT on September 3, 2015
- To add to what midiman said, those Yoos I believe originally came from a SC-55 as you can find it on its Asian kit also.
If you want the Asian kit from Roland Rhythm Section (which appears to carry the exact same kit from a SC-88, though in higher quality), let me know. Only thing is missing is the Yoos for some odd reason. Though, if you want that also I can sample it from a SC-55.
- by Enclave123 at 8:30 PM EDT on September 3, 2015
- I heard that sample from Jago theme from killer instinct.
- by Master_E at 12:59 PM EDT on September 4, 2015
- This instrument has always been in the back of my mind.
On tons of music made for the PC back when the audio processing was loaded towards the CPU (in other words, when .mod & .s3m files were cutting edge), I've noticed this really iconic "sawtooth" sound. It isn't quite a lead because it was usually used in the background, but it isn't a pad because it's has a rapid attack and isn't smooth.
I guess the best example I have is maybe musiklinjen (Or Hyperbased depending on where you first heard it). It comes in starting at the 19 second mark.
I can't be the only one who's noticed this sound, have I?
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